

Fiatal földmérők karriertámogatási igénye - CLGE-FIG körlevél

Mai postánkból. Jean-Yves Pirlot, a CLGE európai szervezet főtitkára levelét, és a FIG címbeli tárgyú körlevél mellékletét (melyet illetékességből továbbítottunk az MFTTT, a MFGVE és a Magyar Mérnök Kamara illetékeseinek) megosztjuk itt a HUNAGI Napló olvasóival is:
Secretary General CLGE
Dear Delegates, dear Friends,
Below you’ll find the questionnaire forwarded by Kate Fairlie, for the Young FIG surveyors.
I am convinced they would be pleased if many CLGE delegates and their colleagues would answer.
Please forward the questionnaire to your national associations.
Sincerely Yours,
Jean-Yves Pirlot
Secretary General CLGE

Dear all,
My name is Kate Fairlie, and I am a current member of the FIG Young Surveyors Working Group 1.2.
I have found your email addresses via the FIG website, and am seeking your assistance to complete a study on professional development in surveying, for the primary benefit of young surveyors.
As you may be aware, the FIG Young Surveyors Working Group has been active since the Congress in Munich in 2006 and despite significant improvements in young surveyor FIG awareness and attendance, it is our belief that young surveyors are still in need of professional development support.
In particular, young surveyors appear unaware of the many and varied career paths surveying can lead to.
To this end, a brief survey has been developed which we would appreciate you completing. The survey is available at the following link:


I would appreciate your assistance in passing this survey link through your organisations - completing this survey if you are a surveyor yourself, and forwarding to any industry contacts you may have. If further space is required, or if you have further input to this project, I am also happy for you to email responses or support to this address.
I look forward to hearing from you all! Again, please email me if you have any further questions on the survey, or the FIG Young Surveyors Group - we are always on the lookout for new members and avenues of support!
Thanks, and Kind Regards,
Kate Fairlie
Marketing Coordinator
International Federation of Surveyors Working Group 1.2: Young Surveyors
GeoInformation Analyst
Shell UK

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