

Nemzetközi Térinformatika Nap

A Térinformatika nemzetközi napja idén november 19-re esik.

Karen Levoleger (GSDI), Carmelle Terborgh és Catilyn Mitchell (mindketten ESRI) szövegezésében a GSDI honlapjára készült felhívás a következő:.
"GIS Day 2008 will be held on Wednesday, November 19, 2008

GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society. It is intended to promote geographic literacy in schools, communities, and organizations.
GIS Day is playing a powerful role in creating geographic awareness throughout our world. What started in 1999 as a forum for spreading awareness about GIS and the role of the emerging technology has grown to a worldwide celebration of GIS users, educators, and students who have committed to sharing their geospatial knowledge with others.
Large or small, there are many ways you can participate. From showing a few coworkers what GIS does for your organization to citywide school presentations, everyone can host a GIS Day event. More than 80 countries will participate in holding local events such as corporate open houses, hands-on workshops, community expos, school assemblies, and more. Please search for an event near you: http://gis.esri.com/gisday/search.cfm
In 2007, hundreds of organizations hosted GIS Day events in countries all around the world. Please look at the 2007 Success Stories for ideas: www.gisday.com/showcase/countries2007.html and the resources & support page for materials to support your event: http://www.gisday.com/support/index.html" H
Hazánkban tagszervezeteink és tagintézményeink közül rendszeresen az ESRI Magyarország és az ELTE TGT tart GIS Napot, de eseményt szervez minden évben a Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem Geoinformatikai Kara is Székesfehérváron.
A székesfehérvári programot Pődör Andrea szervezi, részletek: http://www.geo.info.hu/gisday/. Az ELTE rendevény szervezőjének dr. Jesus Reyes úrnak külföldi távolléte miatt idén kivételesen nem kerül megrendezésre.

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