

GEO/GEOSS munkatervi információkezelő rendszer állt üzembe

Mai postánkból. José Achache titkárságvezető igazgató és Alexia Massacand GEO munkatervfelelős leveléből:
Coordinator "...It is our pleasure to announce the official launch of the interactive GEO Work Plan Information Management System.
Accessible on-line, this web-based system offers various browsing and querying capabilities to retrieve information from and contribute information to the Work Plan. This tool will allow users to search across all of the Task Sheets to collate information on a particular organization, country or theme. It will also allow Task contributors to access, exchange and report information relating to the GEO Work Plan. In this way, it supports Task implementation and promotes the flow of information both within and between Task teams.
The Work Plan Information Management System also introduces interactive Task Sheet “pages". Task Sheet pages propose an overview of planned and produced outputs along with a direct link to the GEO 2010 Schedule for Work Plan Reporting and GEO Committee Meetings (attached).
These pages will be updated over time to feature information about latest progress, including supporting documents, presentations and links to external web sites.
The Information Management System will further develop to include the following features:
- Extraction of information across the Work Plan and Task Sheets;
- Export of on-line queries to Word documents;
- One-click viewing of Task inter-relationships;
- Direct links to Task discussion list-serves.
New features will be gradually added - building upon feedbacks, inputs and comments received from the GEO community. To begin with a new monitoring tool, built upon the legacy of the GEOSS Road Map by Japan, will be integrated to the system. This tool will track the relationship between Tasks, sub-tasks and the GEOSS Strategic Targets.
The new Work Plan Information Management System is accessible at:
We believe that this new tool will significantly improve the efficiency of GEO activities and lead to rapid progress in GEOSS implementation that can be showcased at the upcoming 2010 Ministerial Summit in Beijing..."
További GEO hírek pld az álláslehetőségek blogon (hunagi17)

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