

IFGI Tavaszi Iskola a Münsteri Egyetem Geoinformatikai Intézetében

Mai postánkból: Ludo Engelen továbbította e levelet a K.U.Leuven-ről:
"Dear all,
In March 21-31, 2010 the Institute for Geoinformatics offers the next edition of the "ifgi Spring School". Masters and PhD students from ifgi partners are invited to participate. The Spring School is free of charge. The ten-days program includes the following short block courses:
Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds, UK: Ontology, Vagueness and Geography
Alexander Klippel, Pennstate University, USA: Similarity: Concepts, measures, and applications in (cognitive) spatial sciences
Fernando Bação. ISEGI, New University of Lisbon, Portugal: Self-organizing maps
Students are also welcome to attend a summer semester at the ifgi. As each summer semester, we can offer quite a lot of courses in English language within the two Masters programs in Geoinformatics ( http://www.master-geoinformatics.info/) and Geospatial Technologies ( http://geotech.uni-muenster.de).
Interested students should apply until Jan 10, 2010. For further information see http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/springschool and/or the attached flyer.
Please distribute this information amongst potentially interested students in your institute. Thanks a lot.
Dr. Christoph Brox
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi)
University of Muenster
Weseler Strasse 253
D-48151 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8334721 +49 (0)251 8334721
Fax: +49 (0)251 8339763
Ludo Engelen
K.U.Leuven, R&D Division SADL
(Spatial Applications Division Leuven)
Celestijnenlaan 200 E
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32 -16-32 97 32 +32 -16-32 97 32 Fax: 032-16-32 97 24 ludo.engelen@sadl.kuleuven.be http://www.sadl.kuleuven.be "
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