

Egy órával később, ma délután 6 órakor lesz az ICA-OSGeo Lab távelőadása a NASA World Wind nyfsz fejlesztői környezetről.

Az ICA-OSGeo Lab szervezésében ma délután 6 órakor egy NASA World Wind webinar keretében Patric Hogan (NASA Ames Research Center) és Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli (Politecnico Milano) előadást tartanak a NASA díjnyertes World Wind nyfsz fejlesztői platformjáról.

Itt lehet bejelentkezni:
NASA WorldWind Webinar Registration
A hallgatóság száma max. 1000 lehet, eddig 600-an jelentkeztek be világszerte.

HUNAGI ösztönzi érdeklődő tagjait és partnereit, jelentkezzenek be és hallgassák meg az előadást, hiszen ennek az eszköznek használatával éppen most lehet pályázni fejlesztési, alkalmazási témakörökben egyetemistáknak, illetve KKV-knak. A pályázati lehetőségről bővebb információ a HUNAGI Napló címoldala jobb oldali oszlopából letölthető tájékoztatóban olvasható, a pályázati honlap itt érhető el.

Kívánatos, hogy az európai szintű WWEC 2014 megmérettetésen, - melynek eredményhírdetése a KKV-k számára az INSPIRE konferencián, míg a diákok számára a FOSS4G első európai konferenciáján lesz, - minél több magyar résztvevő legyen. 

A webinar előadók bemutatása:

Patrick Hogan
Patrick Hogan received his BSc in Geology at University of California, Santa Cruz (1983) and his MSc in Geology at San Jose State
University, California (1988). He also received an Associate Science degree in Marine Diving Technology from Santa Barbara City College,California (1974).
From 1974 to 1977 he worked as a Commercial Diver and Diving Supervisor, planning and executing bell dives in excess of 500 feet from offshore drilling rigs. From 1986 to 1987 he was a High School Science Teacher.
From 1987 to 1990 he worked as Project Hydrogeologist at Dames & Moore, San Francisco, California, designing and managing hydrogeologic investigations and applying numerical model analysis to contaminant migration for remediation design and subsurface cleanup.
From 1990 to 1991 he was an Environmental Program Manager for Native American Lands at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), San Francisco, California.
From 1991 to 2002 he worked as the Senior Hydrogeologist at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, where he was the lead investigator and technical writer for this contaminated federal facility that was proposed for listing as a Superfund site. In this capacity, he developed NASA's soil and groundwater investigation and clean-up programs from initial investigation and assessment through to remediation.
From 2002 to 2005 he worked as the Manager of NASA Learning Technologies (NLT), NASA's incubator program developing educational technologies to deliver NASA content to the classroom in compelling and sustainable ways. NASA World Wind (client and server) was one of several NLT projects Patrick managed the development of.
Since 2003 Patrick has been the NASA World Wind Project Manager. In 2009 NASA World Wind was awarded NASA Software of the Year.
Maria Antonia Brovelli
Maria Antonia Brovelli has a degree with honours in Physics and a PhD in Geodesy. Currently she is Professor of GIS at Politecnico di Milano. From 2006 to 2011 she lectured GIS at the ETH - Zurich.
From 2001 to 2011 she was the scientific responsible of the Geomatics Laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2011 she is Vice Rector of the Como Campus of Politecnico di Milano.
She is co-chair of ISPRS WG IV/5 “Distributed and Web-Based Geoinformation Services and Applications”, Associate Editor of Applied Geomatics Journal (Springer), Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Photogrammetric and Topography Society (SIFET) and Member of OSGeo Education Committee.
She has been developing her scientific activity within geodesy and geomatics since 1988, by participating in national and international research projects.
 Initially devoted to research in physical geodesy, radar-altimetry and statistical analysis, after becoming an associate professor she focused her interests on digital mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), free and open source GIS theory and applications representing one of her main research issues.
She was and is responsible for research contracts and consultancy related to the design and implementation of Geographic Information Systems, Web geo-services, GPS data processing systems, systems for integrating and controlling the quality of Digital Terrain Models.
She is co-author of three textbooks on the statistical data treatment, of a volume on orthophotos and Digital Terrain Models, as well as of 153 scientific publications.

A fenti felhívást tagjaink és partnereink ma délután körlevélben kapták meg. Nincs rajta a HUNAGI címjegyzékén és szeretne felíratkozni? Irjon ide: hunagi@hunagi.hu. Ha le kíván iratkozni, ugyanott megteheti.

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