

Friss hír: biztosított a GSDI-11 előadások minősített publikációja

Most érkezett a GSDI Hírlevele, amely szerint az IJSDIR (Int'l Journal of SDI Research, Ispra) kiadásában könyvalakban is megjelennek a GSDI-11 re időben beküldött eredeti, teljes és lektorált  előadásanyagai. Felállt a konferencia programbizottsága is. Kívánatos lenne, ha Magyarországról minél többen készülnének előadással. Az IJSDIR szokványos számaiban egyébként nívós cikkek elhelyezésében a HUNAGI örömmel közbenjár vagy ad ki támogató levelet a szerkesztőség magyar tanácsadója.
"Call for Papers for GSDI 11
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15-19 June 2009

This conference is a joint conference combining the eleventh GSDI world conference, the third European INSPIRE conference, and a Dutch National Conference on SDI Results and Challenges.

In addition to the normal abstract submissions and conference proceedings, all FULL PAPERS submitted to this joint conference arriving on of before 1 December 2008 will be considered for inclusion in a refereed BOOK to be distributed at the conference or in a refereed SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure Research (IJSDIR) to be published after the conference. Additional full papers received by 1 April 2009 also will be considered for the Special Issue of IJSDIR.

Both of these refereed outlets are open access publications.  Authors retain copyright in their articles but will be required to license their articles using a Creative Commons License.

The title and review board members for the book are listed below. The journal issue will have a special editor but use the normal reviewers for the Journal.

We highly encourage you to submit your scholarly articles on spatial data infrastructure related topics to the conference and fully participate in this worldwide forum. See the Call for Papers for more details.

Best regards,

GSDI 11 Program Planning Committee


GSDI 11 Proposed Book Title:
Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Research, Emerging Trends, and Critical Assessment

Dr. Bastiaan van Loenen, Dr. Jaap Zevenbergen, Prof. Jaap Besemer
Delft University of Technology, Editors

Editorial Board Members:
Dr. Clarissa Augustinus, United Nations Habitat, Kenya
Dr. Arnold Bregt, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Dr. Gilberto Câmara, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espacias, Brazil
Dr. George Cho, Faculty of Science, Division of Health, Design and Science, University of Canberra, Australia
Dr. Tien-Yin Chou, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Research Center , Feng Chia University
Dr. Nicholas Chrisman, GEOIDE Network, Québec, Canada
Dr. David Coleman, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Dr. Max Craglia, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Dr. Joep Crompvoets, Katholic University Leuven, Belgium
Dr. A. R. Dasgupta, Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Application and Geo-informatics, Gujarat Government, India
Dr. Tatiana Delgado Fernandez, National Commission of the SDI (CIDERC), Cuba
Dr. Yola Georgiadou, ITC, Netherlands
Dr. Garfield Giff, independent consultant, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Michael Gould, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Dr. Francis Harvey, University of Minnesota, USA
Dr. Werner Kuhn, University of Muenster, Germany
Dr. R Siva Kumar, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India
Dr. Ian Masser, Emeritus Professor, UK
Dr. Harlan Onsrud, The University of Maine, USA
Dr. Zorica Nedoviç–Budiç, University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Abbas Rajabifard, University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Bheshem Ramlal, University of West Indies, Trinidad
Dr. Carl Reed, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), USA
Dr. Robin Smith, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Dr. Daniel Steudler, ETH Zürich, Switserland
Dr. Alan Stevens, Federal Geographic Data Committee, USA
Dr. Carmelle J. Terborgh, ESRI
Dr. Mathew Warnest, MISAust, Australia

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