

A kormányközi földmegfigyelési csoport (GEO) nyári szimpóziuma és a 'Nyílt adatok, nyílt tudás' témakörű műhelye júniusban.

 A genfi GEO Titkárság mai közérdekű közleménye a földmegfigyelés nemzetközi közössége számára két nyári szakmai eseményről.


Dear GEO colleagues, 

We cordially invite you to attend two major GEO events that will take place back-to-back in Geneva in mid-June: 

One-stop registration for both events is now open. Please visit the event webpages to register and find out how you can contribute to the events! 




The 2023 GEO Symposium will focus on how GEO can stand out in the crowd—accelerating unique Earth observation partnerships for people, nature and planet.  


  • Advance collaborations on a GEO Work Programme that provides integrated, innovative and co-designed products and services.  
  • Support the development of the Post-2025 Strategy and Ministerial Declaration.  
  • Provide the GEO Work Programme community with opportunities to showcase their work and network with each other. 

Session Formats: 

  • Interactive dialogues: GEO Work Programme activity leads will join Post-2025 Working Group members, Programme Board members, users and partners, and other key stakeholders to have interactive dialogues on the GEO Post-2025 strategy and the GEO Work Programme.  
  • Thematic sessions: GEO Work Programme activities will contribute to the following discussion on collaborative efforts: Biodiversity and Nature; Urban Resilience for Heat and Health; Multi-Hazard Risks and Impact; and Operational Services via the GEO Work Programme. 
  • Flash talks: GEO Work Programme activities will speak for 5 minutes each using a maximum of three slides on the following topics: enablers for scaling the impact of the GEO Work Programme; and mobilizing resources for the GEO Work Programme.  

How to participate 

Join us in Geneva from 13-14 June. Visit the Symposium webpage for the latest information on the programme, registration and how to contribute. 



The Data Working Group, together with the GEOSS Platform and the GEO Knowledge Hub teams are organizing a two-day Open Data and Open Knowledge workshop that will take place in Geneva from 15-16 June 2023. 

The workshop—held in person for the first time in three years—will provide the GEO community with an opportunity to discuss technical advances, challenges, and solutions. It follows the endorsement of the GEO Statement on Open Knowledge in 2021 and aims to enable all GEO Work Programme activities to embrace open knowledge practices. 


  • Highlight the ongoing efforts of the GEO Community towards open and reproducible knowledge. 
  • Support open science - citizen science, crowdsourcing, 
  • Empower all users to access and use open EO based applications in the various engagement priorities and main conventions. 
  • Promote open knowledge applications to the youth community, as well as to less represented communities. 
  • Align the GEO community and its activities with the open and reproducible knowledge vision. 
  • Use of open EO in situ data and EO-space based data as well as knowledge for international policy frameworks. 
  • Explore and discuss technological advances that facilitate the implementation of open knowledge. 
  • Provide an opportunity for data & knowledge providers to meet users working on GEO engagement priorities. 
  • Discuss with GWP activities EO data gaps (VHR Space based EO Data- In situ); knowledge gaps and needs. 
  • Discuss gaps and needs versus statistical data to support development of knowledge-based products. 
  • Align and update on technological aspects of GEO infrastructure. 

For more information on the programme and how to attend, please visit the workshop’s webpage. "

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