

INSPIRE Metaadatok végrehajtási utasítás tervezet hozzáférhető a HUNAGI tagjai számára véleményezés céljából

INSPIRE Draft Implementing Rules for Metadata have been made publicly available for SDIC HUNAGI on 02/02/2007. Comments on this draft are restricted to registred Spatial Data Interest Communities and Legally Mandated Organizations ONLY. A revised draft open to public comments will be made available towards the end of June 2007. Based on all the comments received, the Commission will submit a proposal for metadata implementing rules to the regulatory committee envisaged by the Directive towards the end of 2007 with a view to have them adopted by March 2008.
The deadline for submission of comments is Friday 30th March 2007.
Members of HUNAGI can access to the Metadata Implementation Rules Discussion paper by writing to hunagi@hunagi.hu
Tagjaink számára az észrevételezés a következő sablon felhasználásával lehetséges:
kitöltés után visszaküldendő a hunagi@hunagi címre!

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