

Mi lesz a GEO VI plenáris ülés programján?

A GSDI csatornán megérkezett a GEO VI plenáris ülés előzetes programja. A 80 ország, az Európai Bizottság és még további több mint félszáz szakmai szervezet képviselői novemberben Washingtonban ülnek össze a GEOSS rendszert építő 10 éves munkaterv előrehaladásának és a kihívásokra adható válaszok megvitatására.

Group on Earth Observations

Sixth Plenary Session – GEO-VI

Washington, DC, USA 17 - 18 November 2009

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

1 Opening of the session

1.1 Welcome Address from the United States of America

1.2 Opening Remarks

• Sherburne Abbott, Associate Director for Environment, Office of Science and

Technology Policy, United States of America (Chair of the Session)

• Co-Chair, European Commission

• Zheng Guoguang, Administrator, Chinese Meteorological Administration, People’s

Republic of China

• Philemon Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Technology, Republic

of South Africa

• Secretariat Director

1.3 Administrative Announcements

1.4 Adoption of Agenda

1.5 Recognition of New Members

1.6 Statements from New Members

1.7 Recognition of Participating Organizations

1.8 Approval of GEO-V Report

2 GEOSS Implementation Progress and Highlights

2.1 National and Regional activities

2.2 2009-2011 GEO Work Plan Progress

3 Cross-cutting issues

3.1 GEOSS Common Infrastructure Report and Recommendations for Long Term Operations

3.2 Data Sharing Principles Implementation

4 Data sets, Observing Systems and Information Services Highlights

4.1 Forest Carbon Tracking

4.2 Global Carbon Monitoring System (Special Report)

4.3 GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)

4.4 Towards a GEO Baseline Initiative

5 Preparatory activities for the Ministerial Summit 2010

6 GEOSS Strategic Targets

7 GEOSS Monitoring & Evaluation

8 2009-2011 Work Plan Annual Update

9 Executive Committee Matters

9.1 Report of the Executive Committee

9.2 Executive Committee Membership

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

10 GEO Committees

10.1 Reports from Committees

10.2 Recommendation on Committees and Working Group

10.3 Nomination of Committees and Working Group Co-Chairs

11 Role of Participating Organizations

12 Financial Reports

12.1 2008 Financial Statements

12.2 Report of the External Auditor

12.3 Report on Income and Expenditure 2009 (January to September)

12.4 Report of the Informal Finance Review Team

12.5 Secretariat Operations Budget for 2010

12.6 Transition to the International Public Sector Accounting System

13 Presentation of Slate of Nominees for the Executive Committee

14 Rules of Procedure Update

15 Announcement of GEO-VII and 2010 Ministerial Summit

16 Review of Session Outcomes

17 Concluding Remarks

Jose Achache GEO irodavezetőnek a tagországok és partnerszervezetek delegáltjaihoz írt minapi levele nyomán HUNAGI - mint a magyar GEO bizottság levelezője, bátorítja az érdekelt és érintett hazai műhelyeket a GEO munkájába való bekapcsolódásra.
A GEO News legfrissebb, október 8-i, 5. száma a címsorra kattintva a GEO honlapján olvasható.

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