

Földmegfigyelés - JRC, IIASA, NASA és IEEE haszon- és hatáselemzési műhely eredményei

Mai postánkból. Roger Longhorn szakíró mai levele közérdeklődésre tarthat számot annál is inkább, mivel égetően szükségesek a honi döntések megalapozásához is más országokban már elvégzett haszon és hatástanulmányok eredményeinek ismerete. Az alábbiak a JRC, NASA, IIASA és IEEE szervezetek együttes műhelyén elhangzottakat foglalja össze a megfelelő hivatkozásokkal:
"FYI -
Workshop on GEO Socio-Economic Benefits
Written by Roger Longhorn Thursday, 03 November 2011 13:38
The purpose of the workshop was to identify a program of activities to undertake during 2011-14 to support the GEO 10-year implementation plan <http://www.earthobservations.org/documents> and the assessment of the benefits that can and will be achieved. Such program of activities may include the consolidation of dispersed bodies of literature relevant to the assessment of impacts and benefits of geographic information/earth observation, the evaluation of different methodologies appropriate to undertake such assessments, the gathering of evidence of impacts/benefits in different user communities and societal benefits areas, and outreach activities to develop shared understanding across disciplinary boundaries on value and methods of assessment.
The number of workshop participants was about 25 with focus on practitioners of benefit/impact assessments and related fields. Experts in physical, social and economic sciences were invited to attend. The workshop was organized by JRC, NASA, IIASA and IEEE. See Benefits Workshop Summary Proceedings.
Two reports resulting from the workshop have now been published at:
Borzacchiello M. T. and M. Craglia (Eds.) 2011. Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation Report <http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/uploads/SDI/publications/EOBenefitWS_JRCTechReport_final.pdf> from the International Workshop held at Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 11-13 July 2011
Pearlman F. (Ed.) 2011. Socio-economic benefits from the use of earth observation workshop <http://www.ieee-earth.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Benefits-workshop-report-Oct-22-final.pdf>- 11 through 13 july 2011, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy.
Note that this and other GEO/GEOSS related topics will be the focus of the EuroGEOSS Project's 2012 conference - EuroGEOSS 2012 <http://www.eurogeoss2012.eu/> - to be held in Madrid from 25-27 January 2012. Visit the conference web site to register and submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations. The abstract due date was extended to 14 November 2011. So hurry! Visit http://www.eurogeoss2012.eu/
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