

EUROGI jelenti az European Data Forum 2012 rendezvényről

Catharina Bamps főtitkár asszony írja beszámolójában: "Please find information about WP2013 – FP7 and more as presented at the European Data Forum 2012 which I attended. http://www.data-forum.eu/program   
Presentation European Commission (see attachment): future European activities and funding perspectives for SMEs WP 2013 for FP under preparation , will be officially published in July 2012.   Information days: 
26-26 September 2012 – Warsaw: ICT Proposers’ Day: networking and information gathering event for all EC-ICT calls of 2013; http://www.most-program.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=165:ict-proposers-day-warsaw-26-27-september-2012&catid=18:news   
11- 12 November 2012 - Luxembourg: DG INFSO Information days(dates still to be officially confirmed)   Open government data census http://census.opengovernmentdata.org     
FP7-ICT projects by and for SMEs using GI:   SMESpire: SmeSpire’s purpose is to encourage and enable the participation of SMEs in the mechanisms of harmonising and making large scale environmental content available http://www.smespire.eu/   
Plan4Business: A service platform for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data http://www.plan4business.eu/partner.html   
SimpleFleet: Democratizing Fleet Management (geomarketing demonstrator app) www.simplefleet.eu   http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=ICT_UNIFIEDSRCH&ACTION=D&DOC=3819&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=012566805427:fddf:67bd9cf8&RCN=103420 
GAPFILLER : GNSS DAta Pool for PerFormances PredIction and SimuLation of New AppLications for DevelopERs" http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=ICT_UNIFIEDSRCH&ACTION=D&DOC=3841&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=012566805427:fddf:67bd9cf8&RCN=103685  "     

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