

Videoközvetítés: a NASA és a Colorado Egyetem tudósainak előadásai az éghajlati válságról

Két előadásra kerül sor a jövő héten, amelyek az internet segítségével élőben meghallgathatók lesznek május 21-én ill. 22-én este 11 órai kezdettel.
Dr. James Hansen: Itinerant Farming to White House Arrests: A Scientist's View of the Climate Crisis (május 21)
Dr. Waleed Abdalati: Dramatic Changes in Polar Ice: Are We Waking Sleeping Giants? (május 22)
További részletek és az előadók bemutatása Patrick Hogan (NASA Ames RC) mai leveléből:

"This is a very special event, actually two of them. They will be NASA presentationsavailable liveTuesday 2pm Pacific. Then there is another one at 2pm on Wednesday. I highly recommend this to you, your students and your colleagues.
"Itinerant Farming to White House Arrests: A Scientist's View of the Climate Crisis" by Dr. James Hansen
On Tuesday, May 21, at 2 p.m.Dr. James Hansen, noted Earth Scientist, will present "Itinerant Farming to White House Arrests: A Scientist's View of the Climate Crisis". He will talk about the role of greenhouse gases in the climate system, where the Earths climate is heading, and our options for addressing the climate crisis.
Hansen’s presentation will be live-streamed on the web as part of the NASA Earth Exchange virtual workshopshttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/nex-virtual-workshop, which seeks to engage a global community of Earth scientists to answer challenging global environmental research questions exploiting NASA's big data and High Performance Computing.
James E. Hansen heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, a part of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. He has held this position since 1981. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University.
After graduate school, Hansen continued his work with radiative transfer models, attempting to understand the Venusian atmosphere. Later he applied and refined these models to understand the Earth's atmosphere, in particular, the effects that aerosols and trace gases have on Earth's climate. Hansen's development and use of global climate models has contributed to the further understanding of the Earth's climate.
Hansen is best known for his research in the field of climatology, his testimony on climate change to congressional committees in 1988 that helped raise broad awareness of global warming, and his advocacy of action to avoid dangerous climate change. In recent years, Hansen has become an activist for action to mitigate the effects of climate change.
"Dramatic Changes in Polar Ice: Are We Waking Sleeping Giants?" by Dr. Waleed Abdalati
On Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 2 p.m., Dr. Waleed Abdalati will present "Dramatic Changes in Polar Ice: Are We Waking Sleeping Giants?" He will talk about Earth's shrinking ice cover, what it's doing, why it’s doing it and what the implications are for the future.
Abdalati is the Director Earth Science Observation Center at University of Colorado and former Chief Scientist for NASA. He received a bachelor of science degree from Syracuse University in 1986, a master of science degree from the University of Colorado in 1991, and a Ph.D. from University of Colorado in 1996. In the mid 1980s, before returning to graduate school, he worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry, designing, analyzing and testing components of various spacecraft and submarine systems. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and NASA-related technical reports. He has given featured lectures and keynote addresses to the United Nations, AIAA, SPIE, AGU and various other professional and international organizations, as well as public lectures at The Smithsonian Institution, The American Museum of Natural History, and The Adler Planetarium. Abdalati has received various awards and recognition, most notably the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the White House."

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