

Komplex agrárinformatikai megoldások térinformatikai alapokon - Az Ossiach Klub jelentése

Mai postánkból: a 'Club of Ossiach' vezetésének közvetlen levele a HUNAGI és tagszervezetei tájékoztatására a múlt havi villachi ülés eredményeiről és a közeljövő akcióiról.
"Three weeks ago we finalized  the Agri Future Days in Villach, organized this year first time by the NGO “Club of Ossiach”, a cooperation initiated by GFAR (Global Forum for Agricultural Research /FAO /UN) and PROGIS but open to partners from science, business, public organizations etc. (details see under www.clubofossiach.com). We had close to 120 participants of > 25 countries and from three continents that all gave positive comments about the conference that was a mix of presentations and cooperative working. The focus was set on family farming and on technology integration, stakeholder cooperation, public and private partnerships.

You may download available short papers from http://www.progis.com/events/agrifuturedays2014/downloads.html , full papers and PPTs are for members and participants only.  Selected partners can become participants with 50.-€/year or the visit of a CoO conference. For 2014-2015 10 conferences in cooperation with partners are planned – we keep you informed. 

Further we made a film – short version with 5´and longer version with 9´; you get access via Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z8EUF-cTYU   and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LZsoC0lNlA  . Please forward these links to your network. You can also download them directly from ftp://ftp.progis.com/public/videoafd2014/

All the speeches in detail for members only are available also on the  AgriFutureDays 2014 homepage. Pw needed.

We also would like to inform you regarding the next meeting where the Club of Ossiach will be present: 15.-17.9. 2014 at the XVIII. ISAF (International Conference on Information Systems for Agriculture and Forestry – ISAF 2014) in Jelgava, Latvia. Details you find under http://isaf2014.info/?page_id=106 . Club of Ossiach, represented by Ajit Maru and Walter H. Mayer will have a networking session with the focus on projects that can be done with CoO partners within EIP – European Innovation Platform, ICT Agri projects and Horizon 2020 projects as well as you are invited to present also your project ideas.On 16.9. we will have networking of partners interested in participation or setting up projects.

Further within ISAF an open data HACKATHON http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackathon will be done during three days and PROGIS will provide free of charge its GIS SDK – a development environment for database developers that are interested to integrate a spatial engine including data (Orthoimages) within their database, e.g. SQL, Access etc. – and invite developers to link their developments to it. If you are interrested, please send a short mail to smayer@progis.com.

For our US and Latin-American Collegues - we will be available at WCCA 2014 http://www.wcca2014.org from 27.-30.7. in San Jose, Costa Rica and will be available for interrested parties after having presented our paper „Ten steps to an integrated country covering solution”.
Let us keep in touch and let’s cooperate intensively regarding common projects or customized solutions.
Thank you again and
best regards,

Ajit Maru and Walter Mayer

on behalf of the "Club of Ossiach"
Postgasse 6, 9500 Villach, Austria

Örömmel találtuk a résztvevők között a MAGISZ elnökét Dr. Herdon Miklóst, Prof. Dr.Csukás Bélát és Dr. Varga Mónikát.

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