

A Térinformatika jövőbeni irányai - HUNAGI tagjainak és tisztségviselőinek hozzájárulási lehetősége egy friss ENSZ dokumentumhoz az EUROGI-n keresztül

Simon Vrecar, az EUROGI főtitkára írja tegnap esti levelében:
"The UN is updating its 2013 report ‘Future Trends in Geospatial Information: the 5 – 10 year Vision’ (seehttps://ggim.un.org/docs/Future-trends.pdf )

On March 25th it has asked relevant organisations, including EUROGI, and individuals to provide input (see attachment).  EUROGI would like to make a submission based on input from its members and their members.
In the  survey following the link
you may find a list of trends about which it would be useful to make input.  More specifically it would be useful to cover two main points regarding each trend – current status; how it might evolve over the next 5 – 10 years.  Any general comments in relation to the trends would be useful as well.
You can respond to as many or as few topics as you wish. You are free to comment in as many or few words as you feel is appropriate. All comments no matter how short (including bullet point thoughts) would be welcomed. EUROGI would use the member’s inputs as a basis for submitting a summarised input to the UN.
A GI or geotechnology perspective would be natural for EUROGI members and their members but if you wish to make more general (not directly spatially orientated) comments you would be most welcome to do so.
The deadline for submission is 8 April 2015 till 12.00 CEST."
A megadott határidőig a HUNAGI tagjainak és tisztségviselőinek hozzájárulási lehetősége van véleményét tömören megfogalmazva eljuttatni az EUROGI-hoz. Kérjük említsék meg, hogy szervezetük a HUNAGI tagja.

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