

Hozzájárulás a Digitális Föld Európai Tagozata szimpóziumi jelentéséhez

A Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság (ISDE) szervezeten belül a  Digital Earth European Chapter vezetője, Mattia Marconcini (DLR) minapi felkérésére, jövő heti szimpóziumi jelentéséhez egyoldalas hozzájárulás készült a szakmánkkal kapcsolatos, vagy azt érintő hazai releváns eseményekről. A kísérőlevél világossá tette, hogy az összeállítás nem hivatalos és csupán egyéni ismereteken, publikus információkon alapszik.

"Contribution to the DE European Chapter’s Report

In Hungary, the digital transformation of the society is underway and is well supported by the legislation framework and government supported flagship projects with participation of industry, academia and learned societies/NGOs. Ongoing activities related to DE technologies include:

Exploitation of innovative, novel technologies in interdisciplinary collaboration with the aim to develop applications by establishing/using IoT-based sensor web, LiDAR, GNSS, satellite imageries, 5G , drones in precision farming and AI and data cube approach in nature conservation.

Development of advanced digital ecosystem applicable for autonomous vehicles is underway enabling V2X at a Special Proving Ground built. In first step a closed loop (ZalaZone) and a smart city zone will be provided, later it will be extended to domestic and international loops serving intelligent transportation systems.

Launch of a 3D data infrastructure project has been made at Lechner Nonprofit Ltd and operated by KIFÜ, the Governmental Development Agency for Informatics. By a recent institutional rearrangement (ex-FÖMI joined the Lechner Knowledge Center),  the largest volume geospatial, EO data and information of the built environment has been concentrated allowing improved analysis and services. The merge provides synergy by the wide variety of competences from digital land registration to BIM and EO apps to SDI. It is anticipated, these developments will serve evidence-based decisions from local to regional, providing direct benefits for the citizens and the society as well. Crowdsourcing and citizen science is also applied from nature conservation to transportation and city management.

A Copernicus-based Earth Observation Data Infrastructure (FIR) project has been launched to support the public administration.The related international agreement is expected in the 4th Quarter. The project is managed by KIFŰ and supervised by a consortium and the department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which is responsible for all space-research and space activities.

The Working Group for SDG of the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) as promoter  is active to support the use of EO/Geospatial data in the implementation of the UN’s SDGs. Actions include awareness raising, information dissemination and call for stakeholder engagement/collaboration in the integration of EO/Geospatial/Statistical data to facilitate monitoring and reporting.

Hungary joins the Italian pre-exascale EuroHPC consortium aiming to use a 150 PetaFlop HPC in Bologna in the mid 2020 onwards. Priority apps include AI, autonomous vehicles, related infrastructures but obviously  applicable also for computation-intensive analysis of high volume of multidimensional data.

Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp (dr)
Member, DE European Chapter, Life Member, International Society of Digital Earth
Member, Hungarian Association for Geographic Information (HUNAGI)
Life Member, Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT)"

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