

Az ENSZ SPIDER katasztrófakezelési program legújabb hírei

Katasztrófakezelés és térinformatika
David Stevens, az ENSZ Űralapú információk Katasztrófakezelési és sűrgősségi-ellátás célú hasznosítási programjának koordinátora írja:
"United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Managementand Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER)September 2007 UpdatesPlease forward this UN-SPIDER Updates to colleagues who might benefit fromreceiving the information. If you wish to unsubscribe please reply to thise-mail and include UNSUBCRIBE in the Subject line.If you would like to subscribe to this list please visit the following website: http://www.ungiwg.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unspider
We also maintain a Calendar of Events with upcoming Conferences, Meetingsand Events relevant to the area of space-based solutions for disastermanagement and emergency response. Check out:
News included in this UN-SPIDER Updates:
1. UN-SPIDER Bonn Office will be inaugurated on 29 October 2007. The BonnOffice will be inaugurated on the afternoon of the first day of the planned "United Nations International UN-SPIDER Workshop: Space-based Informationand Solutions for Disaster Management and Emergency Response".
2. UN-SPIDER webpage has been updated with information on upcoming OutreachActivities. Check out:
3. The report of the 50th Session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) is available in all official UN languages. Check out:http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/Reports/gadocs/coprepidx.html#A_62_20.
4. The 4th Sentinel Asia Joint Project Team Meeting (JPTM4), Manila, the Philippines, September 5-7, 2007 was attended by more than 80 participants representing 50 organizations from 17 countries and 5 international organizations from Asia and the Pacific. For more details, visit APRSAF HP:
5. Map Africa 2007 – 29-30 October 2007. Cape Town, South Africa. Checkout: http://mapafrica.gisdevelopment.net/2007/index.htm.
6. ISDR Hyogo Office Opening Ceremony and Public Forum on "Human Securityand International Disaster Cooperation". To register for the Public Forumemail kokusaikouryuuka@pref.hyogo.jp by 9 October. Registration is on afirst come, first served basis.
7. CIIFEN – Centro International para la Investigacio del Fenomeno de elNiño- Boletín Octubre del 2007 –http://www.ciifen-int.org/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=15.
8. 4th TIEMS Workshop CROATIA 2007 – “Crisis Management – Lessons Learnedand New Challenges“ - Dubrovnik - Cavtat, October 29-31 2007. Check out:www.tiems.org.
9. The Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization (CTO) will be hostingthe “African Using ICT for Effective Disaster Management Forum” inTanzania, 12-14 November 2007. Check out:http://www.events.cto.int/dmafrica07.
10. A Regional Centre for Risk Management of Natural Hazards opened inMashad, I. R. of Iran, as a specialized agency of the Economic CooperationOrganization (ECO). For more information, contact: Seyed Mohammad SadatiNejad (msadatinejad@tehran.un.org.ir) or check out: www.ecosecretariat.org."
David Stevens
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space AffairsVienna - Austria
Tel. ++43-(1)-26060-5631 - Skype: tazarkount
FAX ++43-(1)-260607-5631 -
E-Mail david.stevens@unvienna.org
(See attached file: UN SPIDER September 2007 Updates.pdf )
UNSPIDER mailing listUNSPIDER@ungiwg.orghttp://www.ungiwg.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unspider "
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