

INSPIRE végrehajtási szabályozás észrevételezése

Most érkezett! Ma esti postánkban figyelemfelhívás érkezett az Európai Bizottságtól: közele az LMO és SDIC számára az észrevételezésre adott határidő!
Kérjük tagszervezeteinket, észrevételeiket küldjék meg október 19-ig a hunagi@hunagi.hu címre INSPIRE IR tárgymegjelöléssel, hogy azokat HUNAGI továbbíthassa a JRC-SDI számára.
" Dear INSPIRE SDIC/LMO Contact Point,
We would like to remind you that only two weeks are left for commenting the DS-D2.6 – Methodology for the Development of Data Specifications document. The closing date is the 31st October 2007.
The provisions of this technical document will play crucial role how data specifications that actually become Implementing Rules for INSPIRE will be developed. In particular, this document specifies how individual INSPIRE spatial data themes have to be modelled based on the user requirements, the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (DS-D2.5) and the relevant international and industrial standards. DS-D2.6 provides the process model, steps in the development of harmonised data specifications, issues on conformity, data product specification overview, harmonisation guidelines with examples and templates, and requirements and recommendations.
We strongly believe that the experience and implementation skills of your organisations valuably contribute to shaping the future of environmental information handling and spatial data infrastructures in the European Union.
Please take actions to mobilise your experts and networks in order to take into account your views.
Best regards, INSPIRE CT http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire "

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