

Eddig már 400 regisztráltja van a júniusi GSDI11 konferenciának

Mai postánkból. Joao Geirinhas, az EUROGI főtitkára továbbította a GeoNovum rendező szervezet sajtóhírét:
GSDI 11: The world’s largest and socially most important Geo-Spatial & SDI Conference of 2009!

GSDI 11 World Conference
Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence – Building SDI Bridges to address Global Challenges
June 15-19, 2009 - Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The GSDI 11 Conference released a new brochure presenting the most recent developments and updates for the unique event to be held in Rotterdam.
See the GSDI 11 Brochure of March 2009
Confirmed featured speakers at the GSDI 11 Conference include:
. José Achache Director, GEO Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland
. Santiago Borrero - Secretary General, Pan-American Institute for Geography and History
. Dorine Burmanje - Chair Executive Board (Dutch) Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency
. Jacqueline Cramer - Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands
. Jacqueline McGlade - Executive Director, European Environment Agency
. John McLaughlin - President and Vice-Chancellor, University of New Brunswick, Canada
. The Honorable Gary Nairn - Former Special Minister of State, Australia
. Robert Chen - Director, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Colombia. Secretary General, CODATA, International Council for Science
. Janez Potocnik - European Commissioner for Science and Research (tentative commitment)
Welcome address
GSDI President for GSDI 11 in Rotterdam

Bas Kok, President of the GSDI Association, welcomes all the participants to the event:
On behalf of the GSDI Association, I invite you to attend our 11th GSDI World Conference in Rotterdam. This dynamic city is famous for its modern architecture and rapidly developing skyline, and was Europe’s cultural capital in 2001. Rotterdam is also one of the largest sea ports in the world where more than 70,000 people find their employment.
I am inviting you to participate in our conference, which hosts a strong team of partners. INSPIRE will present the major outcomes of spatial data infrastructure implementation in the 27 European Union countries. Our Dutch partners will present the outcomes of the innovative Space for Geo Information (RGI) program as well as the GIDEON program. Full attention for the acceleration of SDI Opportunities and Innovations!
The main theme of GSDI 11 is SDI convergence. By building symbolic geo-information bridges between societies, cooperation with spatial communities throughout the world is intensified. This convergence process leads to sharing of experiences and uncovering main successes in SDI societies throughout the world. Together an agenda can be produced to work on solutions for major global societal problems. This cooperation process will give us all inspiration to set up more strategic alliances for the longer term.
The large amount of excellent papers to be presented at our conference and the high level keynote speeches in our plenary sessions reflect perfectly our conference ambition. Conversion, bridge building and the creation of new dynamics for the future are the main elements for our GSDI 11 conference.
A special word of thanks go out to the members of the Local Organizing Committee, our GSDI 11 partners: JRC of the European Commission, EUROGI, the Dutch partners RGI, Geonovum (CHAIR), Kadaster and Delft University of Technology as well as our sponsors who made it possible to organize this GSDI 11 conference.
I wish you a very prosperous and fruitful conference and a pleasant stay in The Netherlands.
Bas Kok
GSDI President

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