

EUROGI Tagok Napja Brüsszelben

March 26, 2009 - Brussels, Belgium
European Commission / Commission Europeenne
Rue Belliard, 137 - 1040 Brussels, Belgium

EUROGI is pleased to invite you for attending the Members Day 2009.
The 2009 Members Day is mostly dedicated to European level related topics such as INSPIRE, co funded projects and currently existent Programmes.
A strong focus is given to projects being developed after the eContentplus Programme 2006 2008, as well as to its follow up Programme ICT-PSP-GEO which will be presented in detail by the European Commission (EC).
The Members Day also features National contributions delivered by the Members of EUROGI and relevant activities within which the organisation is currently engaged.
Speaking to an audience of primarily the top representatives from National entities throughout Europe, EC bodies, Pan European organisations, leading private companies and other stakeholders, the presenters will share state-of-the-art information, challenges being faced, obstacles to overcome and opportunities for cooperation.
The Members Day is expected to stimulate the interaction between all participants, in order to create a fruitful forum for discussion.
EUROGI welcomes the active participation of all parties interested in the Geographic Information (GI) and Spatial Data infrastructures (SDI) matters being addressed at the Members Day.
The attendance is open and free of charge but the number of seats available is limited.
In order to allow a proper access control at the EC facilities EUROGI kindly requests your registration in advance.
A jelentkezés egyeztetendő a HUNAGI titkárságával. Lehetőség van ellőadás tartására meghatározott négy témakörben. Az érdeklődők jelentkezését várjuk. Az elmúlt évben a HUNAGI tagintézményei közül Bozó Pál (GRID Budapest) és Lévai Pál (FÖMI) vettek részt az EUROGI kiterjesztett Tagok Napján Göteborgban. Ajánlott forráshely: http://www.eurogi.org/pooled/articles/BF_NEWSART/view.asp?Q=BF_NEWSART_310684

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