

Rendelkezésre állnak a Common Strategy Framework on Research and Innovation (CSFRI) előadásanyagai

Mai postánkból. Az Európai Bizottság képviselője írja a résztvevőknek. Tartalmát HUNAGI megosztja tagjaival és partnereivel:
Dear colleagues,
I hope you had a safe trip home and have had some time to reflect on the input you received from this event.
I would like to thank you for your presentations, your contributions, your questions and discussions during these two days.
They made this conference a success and brought us to the conclusion that we should repeat this activity in a few years' time.
In response to a number of requests received from participants, we intend to upload all the ppt presentations made during the conference onto our website as follows:
If you would like to order copies of the book for distribution to your colleagues in the consortium or during an info-day, please feel free to order them from the EU book store in Luxemburg:
Finally, referring to the lively discussion we had during the round table, we would like to remind you that the consultation on the Green Paper on future EU research and innovation funding is still open for responses.
The deadline is Friday, 20 May and every (short or long) contribution is welcome. The consultation website is:
This is an excellent way (and probably the last chance) to join the discussion and make your voice heard.
Best regards,
Reinhard Schulte-Braucks"

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