

Pályázati felhívás: EUROGI honlap korszerősítése

Catherina Bamps EUROGI főtitkár körlevélben hívja fel a figyelmét az EUROGI tagszervezeteinek, illetve azok tagjainak arra, hogy mód van az EUROGI Joomla honlapjának korszerűsítésére, egy szeptember 9-ig beküldendő pályázat alapján.
A korszerűsítés egy újabb Joomla verzióra való átültetést jelent. Pályázhatnak a HUNAGI mindazon tagjai, akik befizették már az idei HUNAGI tagsági díjukat. Számukra HUNAGI igazolást ad tagságukról.
Ime az EUROGI pályázati felhívása:
Dear EUROGI-member,
This e-mail is a call for proposal regarding the upgrade of the EUROGI-website from Joomla v1.6 to 3.x.
Please send your proposal until latest 09/09/2013 to catharina.bamps@eurogi.org and bino.marchesini@eurogi.org

The EUROGI website is built on Joomla v1.6 which has been superseded in the meantime by V1.7, V2.5 and V3.x.
There is thus a need to (a massive) upgrade from Joomla v1.6 to Joomla 3.x. Besides this upgrade, the different components (3rd Party-Joomla Extensions) which the website currently is built upon, like
Admintools, Chronoforms, JE Events,  SurveyForce DeLuxe, Phoca Download, OSE Excellence security component,…need to be checked against Joomla 3.x compatibility and tested accordingly.
The end-result needs to be an upgraded, properly functioning and easily accessible website.

Proposers are kindly asked to provide the following information:
- name and contact-details proposer and link proposer with EUROGI (member of EUROGI, member of a EUROGI-member – please specifiy..)
- a brief (technical) step-by-step approach on how the different tasks will be executed;
- cost proposal: nr of person-days necessary to perform the tasks and daily rate;
- time schedule
- brief reference(s) to existing achievements/experience with Joomla

Call for proposal – deadline 09/09/2013
Evaluation proposals by Jury 10/09/2013 – 17/09/2013
Announcement winning proposal 18/09/2013
Update/upgrade and testing from 23/09/2013 onwards

In case of additional information is required, please send an e-mail to Catharina Bamps with Bino Marchesini in copy.

Kind regards
Catharina Bamps, Secretary General  EUROGI
Tel.:+32.16.322.946, Mobile:+32.484.485.100

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