

Infokommunikációs módszerek a fenntartható földművelés és természeti erőforrások harmonizálására

Partnerszervezetünk, a Magyar Agrárinformtikai Szövetség legfrissebb Hírlevele egy nyári tematikus számot harangoz be, amelyhez a HUNAGI tagjai és a hazai térinformatikai közösség egésze részéről minél több hozzájárulást remélünk.
MAGISZ HÍRLEVÉL - 2014-3-19 (2014/03)

Dear Colleagues,
Journal of Agricultural Informatics (http://journal.magisz.org/), the periodical of European Federation of Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment (EFITA), published by Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics (HAAI) plans to launch a Special Issue, entitled „ICT Methods for Harmonizing Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources”

In the past profit oriented competition era and in the space of apparently unlimited natural resources and waste reservoirs; agriculture and food industry lagged behind the more profitable industrial and service sectors.
Nowadays, the importance of agriculture, as well as of the connected land-, water- and renewable energy use is to be reevaluated in the limelight of conscious (re)discovering of environmentally benign technologies. Rational harmonization of human demands with natural resources is indispensable to provide good quality and sufficient amount of food for mankind and to ensure sustainable natural resource management at the same time.
Information Technology has been developing more and more powerful hardware and software tools for optimal design and control of complex system, as well as to share the accumulated data & knowledge for global community. Formerly these results were mainly utilized by the industrial and service sectors, however in the forthcoming period, agriculture, food and environmental sectors must have a pioneering role in going ahead with the newest results of IT to face with the above mentioned challenges. In order to keep balance in the space of finite resources and reservoirs, we have to pay more attention to the computer assisted engineering both of local and global systems. Based on natural biosystem principles; agriculture, food and environment can effectively establish a platform for the development of IT supported Sustainability Engineering.
The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an overview on the present challenges, possible solutions and new application frameworks for the sustainable management of agriculture and the connected land-, water- and renewable energy use.
Guest Editors of this Special Issue welcome the submission of high quality review articles, as well as original research papers about conceptual frameworks, analysis, model based problem solving and case studies.
Please, remark your intention about sending your paper to the Special Issue in the electronic submission system as a comment for the Editor. The publication of the Special Issue is scheduled for 2014 Summer.

Monika Varga and Bela Csukas
Guest Editors
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