

Március 14-ig még lehet INSPIRE előadáskivonatot beküldeni!

A hunagi@hunagi.hu mai postájából. Az INSPIRE-information közérdekű felhívása lehetőséget kínál a hazai térinformatikai közösség szereplői számára, hogy az irányelvvel kapcsolatos tapasztalataikról, eredményeikről az idei dániai INSPIRE konferencián számot adjanak:

INSPIRE for good governance, Aalborg, 16-20 June 2014
Deadline for submitting proposals for
workshops, seminars, presentations and posters
14th March 2014
Seven years have passed since INSPIRE was adopted as the EU's legal framework establishing the infrastructure for spatial information in Europe serving policies and activities having an impact on the environment. During this period the framework of technical specifications necessary to underpin an interoperable infrastructure has been completed, and a major effort has taken place to implement the Directive in the Member States. It is now time for the mid-term evaluation to assess how well we are doing, and whether we are still on the right track. This conference comes therefore at a crucial stage to report on progress and get feedback from all the stakeholders involved.
Topics for which contributions are sought include, but are not limited to,
  • INSPIRE supporting the implementation of environment law
  • INSPIRE and the integration of environmental concern in other policy areas
  • INSPIRE and climate change policy
  • INSPIRE in specific environmental policy areas (e.g. marine, arctic, freshwater, noise, air …)
  • INSPIRE for addressing environment-related threats to health
  • INSPIRE to reduce environmental risk and management of natural disasters
  • INSPIRE for boosting sustainable resource-efficiency and low-carbon growth
  • INSPIRE supporting urban and rural sustainability (Smart cities, Smart rural)
  • INSPIRE and public participation for social equity and environmental justice
  • INSPIRE for energy efficiency
  • INSPIRE for innovation and growth in the private sector and economy
  • INSPIRE for education and research
  • INSPIRE + Open Data + Copernicus + Social and Sensor Networks = Big Data?
  • Costs/Benefits and impacts of implementing INSPIRE
  • INSPIRE tales from implementation
  • Technologies, methods and tools required to deliver INSPIRE
  • INSPIRE based apps for Innovation – Short demonstrations
  • INSPIRE capacity building
  • The future of INSPIRE: Governance, policy and technology
  • INSPIRE Data and Service Sharing
  • INSPIRE as a component of SEIS and e-Reporting
  • Integrating eGovernment with INSPIRE
Részletek: http://inspire-forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/start/www/inspire2014/

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