

Nyílt adatok - egy önfenntartó üzleti modell. Műhely Kremsben

Dr. Kate Lance (Yale Egyetem) írja a GSDI szervezet Legal and Socio-economics bizottsága levelező rovatában:
"Call for participation: Workshop on "A self sustaining business model for open data"

20-21 May 2015, Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria

The fourth workshop in the Share-PSI series will address the topic of self-sustaining business models for open data and PSI. The workshop is explicitly interested in business models for commercial entities that reuse PSI and for the public sector itself as it develops the culture of sharing its information in a sustainable 'business as usual' manner.

The workshop will try to address the issue of sustainable business models by:
- Encouraging business people to present existing solutions that make use of PSI. We are not encouraging marketing presentations about the potential of open / big / PSI data but real-life and implemented business solutions.
- Inviting policy makers to present planned or implemented actions in various areas of public sector policy making (legal, technical, organisational) towards the facilitation of a sustainable data market aligned with the European Data Market strategy.
- Attracting researchers to present their work in the area of usability aspects that constrain open / big data and PSI to unfold the touted economic benefits and identified means for mitigation.
Submission deadline: 20 April 2015
Participation is free.
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