Please pass on the information in this message about the European Commission’s 26 June 2009 announcement --- invitations to bid for undertaking Exclusive Agreement surveys France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain.
Full details of the announcement are published on the European Commission’s PSI Web Portal (what’s new section).
There are also news item published on the European PSI Platform with information about the announcement including links to related content on the Platform.
EC Initiates Exclusive Agreements Studies
Member States briefed
In summary, The European Commission has published Ex-ante Advertising for a negotiated procedure for service contracts of a value below or equal to 60.000€. INFSO.E4 – A study: "Public Sector Information (PSI): Identification of potential Exclusive Agreements". The notice applies to France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain
The text of the notice states:
“The contract is a part of an overall Commission study undertaken to identify the existence of possible exclusive agreements in the Member States in accordance with the Communication on the review of the PSI Directive of 7 of May 2009.
France – Deadline for declaration of interest: 27 July 2009
Germany – Deadline for declaration of interest: 27 July 2009
Italy – Deadline for declaration of interest: 28 July 2009
Poland – Deadline for declaration of interest: 28 July 2009
Spain – Deadline for declaration of interest: 28 July 2009
Background Information
The European Union Directive 2003/98/EC was passed on the 17 November 2003 and entered onto the European Union statute book on the 31 December 2008. Article 11 of the Directive titled Prohibition of exclusive arrangements states that exclusive arrangements shall be terminated by the 31 December 2008. The Member States (through the co-decision process) gave themselves a five year period in which to terminate existing agreements and since 1 July 2005 not to enter into any further exclusive arrangements subject to the conditions in article 11.
We’ll keep in contact with news about future developments.
Best regards
Mary Gianoli
European PSI Platform (
Europe's One-Stop Shop on Public Sector Information (PSI) Re-use"
A Bizottság azt követően szánta rá magát a kérdés behatóbb tanulmányozására és néhány kiválasztott EU tagországban egy felmérés lefolytatására, hogy egy brit-holland tanulmány (MEPSIR) több mint félszáz jogosulatlan eljárás alkalmazására derített fényt. A MEPSIR tanulmány módszertani leírása szerint az egyik vizsgált terület a földrajzi információk, a térinformatika köre volt:
" Taking into account the defi nitions and exclusions in the Directive, the MEPSIR study defi ned six
main domains for investigation:
1. Business information, including Chamber of commerce information, offi cial business
registers, patent and trademark information and public tender databases;
2. Geographic information, including address information, aerial photos, buildings, cadastral information, geodetic networks, geology, hydrographical data and topographic information;
3. Legal information, including decisions of national, foreign and international courts, national
legislation and treaties;
4. Meteorological information, including climate data and models and weather forecasts;
5. Social data, including various types of statistics (economic, employment, health, population,
public administration, social);
6. Transport information, including information on traffi c congestion, work on roads, public
transport, and vehicle registration.
The methodology of the MEPSIR study identifi ed three types of generic roles for organisations
involved in (the re-use of) public sector information:
1. Public content holders: public bodies or bodies governed by public law which supply
documents on a market and to whom the Directive applies;
2. Re-users: parties that supply information to the market, not being public content holders
to whom the Directive applies;
3. Users: any user of the information.
The measurement conducted by the MEPSIR study took into account that the Directive has only
indirect impact on national markets. Firstly, the Directive has to be transposed into national
legislation. Secondly, changes in national legislation alter the framework conditions. Eventually,
changes in the framework conditions may change the economic conditions.
The study distinguished fi ve types of framework conditions and two types of economic conditions
that are logically related as described below.
1. Availability: If there is not at least some information available for re-use in a particular subdomain,
there will not be a market.
2. Accessibility: The availability of information, per se, does not lead to anything if it is not
3. Transparency: In turn, accessibility does not mean much without transparency, that is, it
should be clear which conditions apply to the re-use of information.
4. Accountability: The suppliers of information should be accountable for adhering to these
5. Non-discrimination: Ultimately, the possibility to keep suppliers responsible for applying
the same conditions to all users should guarantee non-discrimination among users.
6. Actual demand: Equal and fair access to information will boost the actual demand.
7. Economic results: This will eventually translate into direct (more turnover for re-users) and"
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