
Mesterséges intelligencia és gépi tanulás a térinformatikában

Térinformatika .- mesterséges intelligencia - gépi tanulás. Megjelent, és az alábbi linkről letölthető a térinformatikai ipar világtanácsának (WGIC) kiadványa alkalmazásokról, szakmapolitikákról, globális megközelítésben


A ma érkezett hír megosztásra került az MFTTT WG4SDG munkacsoport tagjai számára felhasználásra, illetve további terjesztés céljából.

A WGIC korábbi tanulmánykötetei és jelentései itt érhetőek el:




Credit: Harsha Vardhan

Associate Director – Member Recruitments and Marketing


World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC)

'Co-Creating Geospatial Economy in a Digital World'


60 évvel ezelőtt került sor az első emberes űrrepülésre.

 Hatalmas lendületet adott az űrkutatásnak és űralkalmazásoknak. Mára az űrtevékenység és az űralapú szolgáltatások mindennapjaink szerves, nélkülözhetetlen részévé váltak.

Jurij Gagarin űrhajójával 1961 április 12-én indult a Föld körüli pályájára. Fotók egy múlt századi albumból.



Mai hír: 'Tudásfejlesztéssel a fenntarthatóságért' az új jelmondata a Geospatial World szervezetnek.

A Geospatial World új jelmondata "Advancing knowledge for sustainability" 'Tudással a fenntarthatóságért'. Az ismeretfejlesztésben a tértudatosságnak alapvető szerepe van és a 25 éve működő nemzetközi szervezet a cél érdekében mobilizálja a felgyülemlett tudást, tapasztalatot és a nemzetközi hálózatában rejlő képességet. Sanjay Kumar CEO mai körlevele: 

 "Dear friend and colleagues, Today, we enter 25th year of our journey, an evolving mission driven by passion and commitment to serve the world we live in. Having its origins in the user experience, “Geospatial World” follows a unique approach to advance the value of the geospatial industry in the world economy, society and environment – the determining pillars of “sustainability of everything”. An organization that sourced its inspiration from the quest for environment friendly development through production of an environmental atlas for industries, finds itself dedicated towards “Advancing Knowledge for Sustainability”. We entered the geospatial industry ecosystem as a group of outsiders in 1997, but soon penetrated its core by extending its interface with public policy and mainstream economy. To begin with, our open and user-driven approach disrupted the closely guarded, government-driven geospatial industry, but soon, our continued persistence and user-centric approach was recognized as a “necessary evil”, enabling us to evolve and mature and weather many storms with the combined knowledge and experiences of our global network of partners in the last 24 years. Having consistently been in a “learning and transformation mode”, team Geospatial World kept on setting new milestones and stretching its capabilities to serve the entire value chain of the geospatial profession, while continuously expanding the geospatial industry ecosystem. Awareness, advocacy, engagement and evangelism have been the key tenets of our vision of “Making a Difference through Geospatial Knowledge in the World Economy and Society”. One the one hand, Geospatial World facilitated a cohesive and collaborative environment between and amongst several components of geospatial and allied technologies, and on the other hand, we worked towards advancing the comprehensive and collective value of the geospatial industry in almost every walk of life through our offerings in media, events, consulting, and policy advocacy think tanks. As we enter the 25th year of our service, it’s important to acknowledge the growing role and relevance of the geospatial industry in shaping the world of tomorrow. And so, as the transformative role of Geospatial World in enhancing the understanding about technology innovations, collaborative workflows, shared economy business models and public policies, and facilitating alignment and engagement of geospatial industry with global development agenda. Today, Geospatial World stands out as the most trusted source of information and thought leadership through its knowledge, network and collaborative partnerships with commercial companies, governments, academic institutions, international bodies and civil society organizations. Recognizing the pivotal role of being a “knowledge organization”, today, we step forward rebranding ourselves as “Geospatial World”, and will drive further our purpose to serve as a one-stop-source of information about the “world of geospatial”, and project its value while “Advancing Knowledge for Sustainability”. I take this opportunity to extend our most sincere gratitude to each one of you. It’s you and your trust that has inspired and empowered our team to serve you better every time. And today, we reiterate our pledge and commitment to serve you and be your trusted partner in your journey. Yours Sincerely SANJAY KUMAR Founder & CEO sanjay@geospatialworld.net "
A mai napon még ingyenesen lehet előfizetni egy évre a GW Prime e-hírlevélre. https://www.gwprime.geospatialworld.net/


Az ENSZ világméretű adatfórumának (WDF) sorozatában ma a téma: az előrehaladás mérése a Fenntartható Fejlődési Célok környezeti dimenziójában

75 perces előadás-sorozat! "Partners: Convention on Biological Diversity Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Office of Chief Statistician, FAO International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico (INEGI) The report on "Measuring Progress Towards Achieving the Environmental Dimension of the SDGS" which analyzed a list of 93 environment-related SDGs indicators highlighted that there is not sufficient data for 68 percent of the indicators related to the environment to assess progress. Some areas with limited data include biodiversity, ecosystem health, the concentration of pollution and waste in the environment, and other environmental threats. With limited data to assess the trend at the global level, there is a high risk of receiving less policy interventions and investments to improve the state of the environment. Various organizations are exploring non-traditional data collection methods as traditional methods alone may not be enough to fill these data gaps. These non-traditional data collection methods, such as citizen science initiatives, earth observation, and integration of geospatial information, present advantages including lower cost of data collection, and better use of scientific expertise and indigenous knowledge amongst others. This webinar will bring together experts to: Showcase initiatives to fill data gaps through non-traditional data collection methods to measure progress towards achieving the environmental dimensions of the SDGs. Highlight the benefits of using non-traditional methods to fill data gaps of environment-related SDG indicators.. The webinar is part of the UN World Data Forum series and aims to bring data producers and users from different communities together and create an enabling environment for the integration and leveraging of various data sources and methodologies. Speakers Moderator: Jillian Campbell, Head of Monitoring, Review and Reporting, UN Convention on Biological Diversity Panelist: Argyro Kavvada, Executive Director, Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Earth Scientist, NASA Panelist: Lorenzo De Simone, Geospatial Specialist, Office of the Chief Statistician, FAO Panelist: Dilek Fraisl, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Panelist: Jimena Juarez, Head of the Technical Coordination Department, INEGI"

Előnyös kapcsolódási lehetőség ISDE munkacsoportokhoz (mai felhívás)

Ma érkezett felhívás a Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság titkárságáról! "Call for Participation to the ISDE Working Groups Dear colleagues and friends, Within the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), for selected thematic, the relevant scientific and technical work of ISDE is to be strengthened through the ISDE Working Groups (WG). Each ISDE WG will define its own internal organization and is co-chaired by leading scientists joined with expert members who are interested in further advancing the relevant work. Each of the ISDE WGs has its own working scope and objectives with methodologies to achieve them. These groups also design long-term or short-term plans in order to implement the aims of the associated working group. It is desired that from time to time the ISDE WG organizes a dedicated workshop and/or has a dedicated Session at an ISDE event. The concept of ISDE WG is open to everyone in a non-exclusive manner; cultural diversity, gender equality, and a good balanced worldwide representation is encouraged. Any person wishing to join a particular ISDE WG shall submit an application form to the WG co-chair(s) with copy to the ISDE Secretariat (isde@radi.ac.cn). For more details, please check the website http://www.digitalearth-isde.org/list-92-1.html . Persons applying to become a member of a particular ISDE WG have to understand that being a member of the ISDE WG group is on a voluntary basis of mutual benefit. ISDE will not provide any fees, or any travel or accommodation expenses. If there are any costs associated with being a member of an ISDE WG group, for example participating at a Workshop, the person or his/her institution will need to cover any related expenses, insurance, etc. You are warmly invited to engage in ISDE working group activities. Please feel free to circulate this message to anyone around you who might be interested. Thank you. Sincerely, The Secretariat International Society for Digital Earth ISDE Website: www.digitalearth-isde.org ISDE LinkedIn: www.linkedin.cn/company/international-society-for-digital-earth © International Society for Digital Earth,版权所有 isde@radi.ac..cn" • WG1- Science and Technology for Digital Earth • WG2- Industry Engagement for Digital Earth • WG3- Digital Earth Governance and Ethics • WG4- Citizen Engagement and Empowerment in Digital Earth • WG5- Education and Capacity Building for Digital Earth • WG6- Contribution of Digital Earth to SDGs


A kvantumfizika hatása a térinformatikai iparra a következő évtizedben

Érdekes cikk Hansjörg Kutterertől a GIM International legújabb számában: https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/quantum-physics-to-disrupt-geospatial-industry-over-the-coming-decade

Határidőre beküldte meghívásos cikkét az MFTTT WG4SDG a Big Earth Data szaklaphoz.

A WG4SDG munkacsoport vezetője dr. Mihály Szabolcs c. egy.tanár az anyagot március 29-én küldte el a pekingi szaklaphoz. A szerzői munkaközösséget kormányzati, akadémiai, egyetemi, vállalkozói és nem-kormányzati szervezetek szakemberei alkották.

FOSS4G virtuális konferencia Buenos Airesben - várják a hozzájárulásokat!

Steven Ramage (GEO Sec) hívta fel rá a figyelmet azzal, hogy minél több, nyíltforrású szoftvert felhasználó földmegfigyelési esetbemutatást szeretznének látni a rendezvényen. https://2021.foss4g.org/call-for-papers/call-for-papers.html