

GMES: keddig még küldhető válasz HUNAGI tagszervezetektől és partnerektől

A határidő jövő keddig ki lett terjesztve. Mindenesetre az eddig beérkezett OMSZ és FÖMI visszajelzéseket már továbbítottuk a koordinátor Simon Vrecarnak, aki a bukaresti EURISY kerekasztalon az EUROGI tagszervezetek képviseletében lesz jelen. Részletek itt:
Tekintve, hogy a jövő héten a WGISS 33 munkahéten leszek, kérem az érintetteket, akik keddig még hozzá kívánnak járulni a GMES témakörhöz, válaszaikat egyenesen Simon Vrecar úrnak írják meg másolatban a hunagi@hunagi.hu címre. Így az esetleges internet elérhetőségem és az időzóna-eltérés nem akadályozza az időben való továbbítást.
Az EUROGI főtitkárának mai levele, Simon Vrecar előző levele és a javasolt, válaszra váró kérdések alább találhatóak:
Dear EUROGI-member,

This is a reminder concerning the request from Simon: please send in your input to him the latest by Tuesday 24th April.

Your contribution is very important since it has been specifically requested to get feedback from ‘your’ side of Europe. Simon will use this information for a specific discussion (round table) at the EURISY conference so your input is crucial!!
Thank you!
Kind regards
Catharina Bamps, Secretary General 

From: Simon Vrečar [mailto:simon.vrecar@cektra.org]
Sent: maandag 16 april 2012 21:20
To: 'Robert Lach'; hiess2@cagi.cz; 'Gabor Remetey'; asambura@ispik.plaivo.vard@alphagis.ee
Cc: 'Bruce McCormack'; 'Catharina Bamps'; 'Wolfgang Steinborn'
Subject: EURISY Round table - YOUR INPUT
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues,

You may find attached the brief description and guidelines of EURISY round table that will be held in beginning of May in Bucharest, Romania where EUROGI was invited to present the views of the association and its member.
According to the title of round table “GMES- New opportunities for Eastern Europe/ How GMES will bring benefits to New Member States” I think it is very important to present as broad as possible views, opinions and suggestions from the members originating from that part of Europe.

Therefore your contribution is most welcome. You are kindly asked to give some feed back on below listed questions by Friday, April 20, 2012, till 12:00 (I have some teleconference later on about the round table). It will be most appreciated if you can get additional explanations and answers from the subjects in your country that are most involved in the topics.

Looking forward hearing from you

Best regards
Simon Vrečar

**SUGGESTED LIST OF QUESTIONS****************************************************************************************************
•           What are your experiences in working with end-users, in what areas of application?
•           Which challenges – political, environmental, socio-economic – have you identified, for which GMES downstream services can provide competitive tools to address and manage them, compared to existing tools and technologies (e.g. aerial imagery)?
•           What are the concrete benefits GMES downstream services will bring to end-users (local and regional authorities as well as SMEs, in particular), and ultimately to the citizens of new member states?
•           What difficulties do end-users encounter in the identification and implementation of appropriate satellite solutions?
•           What is already being done to support end-users in overcoming these difficulties? What more could be done? (e.g. support mechanisms, data availability, infrastructure, policies)
•           What is being done to support the offer? What more could be done?
•           What are the respective roles of value-adding companies, industry, agencies, ESA and the EC in supporting offer and demand?

ZAVOD CEKTRA - Centre for Knowledge Transfer
Slovenska 21
SI - 2000 Maribor


Appendix: EURISY document on the event:

Eurisy round table

GMES- New opportunities for Eastern Europe/ How GMES will bring benefits to New Member States?

10:00-12:00, Friday 4 May 2012, Human rights hall, Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, romania

Format of the Session

Part 1 (1h): In an interactive discussion with the moderator, end-users from new member states working in SMEs and public administration will present their concrete experience of using information and services derived from earth observation, in the areas of application that GMES will cover in its operational phase. The testimonials will cover their motivations for choosing to use satellite services, how it helped them to reach their objectives and the concrete results they obtained, thus highlighting the business case for using EO data. They will also outline the challenges and obstacles they have encountered in the implementation process.


·       Stanislav Bock, Enviros – Czech Energy consultancy: uses free EO data on solar irradiation to certify investment and business plans for solar plants, as well as energy audits.
·       Jan Bocian, Research Innovation Group – Polish Biomass Production Company: uses earth observation data to assess biomass potential of crops and environmental impacts of biomass production.
·       Vladimir Gancz, Romanian Forest Administration: uses earth observation data to establish forest inventories.
·       Rumeliya Petrova, Basin Directorate Danube Region - BDDR (Bulgaria): uses GMES emergency response services for water management

Part  2 (1h): In an moderator-led discussion to reflect on the use cases presented in Part 1 and their own experiences, panellists will aim
·       to consolidate the understanding of the concrete benefits of satellite applications gained in the previous sessions
·       to identify the obstacles end-users  face in taking-up innovative technologies, and satellite applications/GMES in particular
·       to identify possible public policies and support mechanisms that could further facilitate end-user take-up of satellite information and services, with a positive effect on the demand for and on the development of the downstream services


·       Marek Banaskiewicz, CBK (Poland)
·       Simon Vrecar CEKTRA/EUROGI – European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (Slovenia)
·       Jakub Ryzenko, Advisor to the Polish EU Council Presidency on Space Policy and security matters (Poland)
·       Jerome Simpson, Senior Expert, REC – Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary)
·       Vassil Vassilev, NCP FP7 Space, ReSAC - Remote Sensing Application Center (Bulgaria)
·       NN, member of the ENVE Commission of the Committee of the Regions (tbc)

Questions to be raised
Depending on your background, some questions may not apply to your contribution.
·       What are your experiences in working with end-users, in what areas of application?
·       Which challenges – political, environmental, socio-economic – have you identified, for which GMES downstream services can provide competitive tools to address and manage them, compared to existing tools and technologies (e.g. aerial imagery)?
·       What are the concrete benefits GMES downstream services will bring to end-users (local and regional authorities as well as SMEs, in particular), and ultimately to the citizens of new member states?
·       What difficulties do end-users encounter in the identification and implementation of appropriate satellite solutions?
·       What is already being done to support end-users in overcoming these difficulties? What more could be done? (e.g. support mechanisms, data availability, infrastructure, policies)
·       What is being done to support the offer? What more could be done?
·       What are the respective roles of value-adding companies, industry, agencies, ESA and the EC in supporting offer and demand?

Useful links
ESPI Report 39 on “The Socio-Economic Benefits of GMES” (November 2011)


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