
Fenntartható fejlődés célkitűzései (SDG) monitoringja és indikátorai - globális konzultáció

A Future Earth Strategic Research Agenda 2014  három kérdéskörre összpontosít:
(1) annak megértése, hogyan változik bolygónk, (2) olyan integrált interdiszciplináris tudomány alkalmazása, amelyekkel kezelhetőek a sűrgős fenntartható fejlődési igények, illetve (3) hogyan tehető hosszabb távon fenntarthatóbbá a fejlődés ? A program az alábbi nyolc globális fenntartatósági kihívásra kíván választ adni:
  1. Delivering water, energy, and food for all.
  2. Decoupling carbon emissions from economic growth.
  3. Safeguarding land, freshwater and marine natural assets.
  4. Building healthy, resilient and productive cities.
  5. Promoting sustainable rural futures.
  6. Improving human health by incorporating global change concerns.
  7. Encouraging sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  8. Improving governance and early warning systems to respond to complex future threats.

Forrás: http://www.futureearth.org
Az ICSU CODATA mai körlevelében Anne-Sophie Stevance  tudományos munkatársa tette közzé az alábbi levelet:
"Dear all,
As the scientific community is mobilising to provide inputs into the discussions on the Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 Development Agenda, please find below information regarding a forthcoming consultation on indicators and monitoring for the SDGs.
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network will launch, with the support of the UN Statistics Division, a global consultation (16 - 31 January 2015) on a draft report “Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDGs” which is organized around the goals proposed by the Open Working Group. The consultation will solicit expert input to improve the draft framework, fill gaps, and consider the widest possible evidence. The latest draft is available on SDSN’s website – a new version will be posted by 16 January. Following the consultation a revised version of the report will serve as input into the March 2015 meeting of the UN Statistical Commission – the body tasked with adopting the final indicator framework. Suggestions on the revised working draft should be sent to info@unsdsn.org.
Anne-Sophie Stevance  |   Science Officer
International Council for Science (ICSU) – Science for Policy"
5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75116 Paris, France
Tel.   +33 1 45 25 67 04  |   Fax.  
+33 1 42 88 94 31   | anne-sophie.stevance@icsu.orgwww.icsu.org  
Bővebben a Future Earth programról: 
Visit the ICSU Road to Paris blog: http://roadtoparis.info/
Visit the Future Earth website: http://www.futureearth.org/

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