

Fotogrammetriai képelemzés (PIA19) és a Müncheni Távérzékelési Szimpózium (MRSS19) rendezvények 2019 szeptemberében

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We are happy to announce the upcoming event PIA19 - Photogrammetric Image Analysis 2019 which will be held in conjunction with MRSS19 - Munich Remote Sensing Symposium 2019 on September 18th-20th, 2019 in Munich, Germany.
Automated extraction of objects from remotely sensed data is an important topic of research in Computer Vision, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geoinformation Science. In order to discuss recent developments and future trends in research in automatic object extraction and their influence on sensors and processing techniques, the two conferences "Photogrammetric Image Analysis" (PIA) and "Munich Remote Sensing Symposium" (MRSS) will be held as a common event. The location of the event will be Munich, Germany.
The aim of the common event is to seek, exploit and deepen the synergies between geometry and semantics, and to give the two scientific communities the possibility to discuss with and to learn from each other. The joint event addresses experts from research, government, and private industry. It consists of high quality papers, and provides an international forum for discussion of leading research and technological developments as well as applications in the field.
§  Exploitation of high resolution space images
§  UAVs and other platforms
§  Sensor and system calibration and integration
§  Surface modeling and reconstruction
§  3d object extraction: buildings, roads, vegetation
§  Learning and statistical methods for object extraction
§  Sensor and data fusion including information from GIS, BIM, or CAD
§  Image analysis for geospatial data update and change detection
§  Rapid mapping for environmental applications and disaster management

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit either full papers or abstracts.
For more information, click here.
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We are happy to announce the upcoming event MRSS19 - Munich Remote Sensing Symposium 2019 which will be held in conjunction with PIA19 - Photogrammetric Image Analysis 2019 on September 18th-20th, 2019 in Munich, Germany.
The importance of remote sensing for the observation of our Earth and other planets is continuously growing, especially since more and more spaceborne data has become freely available to the public via the Landsat and Sentinel missions. In order to reach the goal of remote sensing, i.e. to map our environment both semantically and topographically, methods and algorithms from fields such as signal processing, image processing, computer vision and machine learning need to be combined with sensor- and target-specific domain expertise. MRSS19 seeks to foster the development of approaches from those fields dedicated to remote sensing data analysis. In this context, the following topics shall be addressed:

§  Exploitation of high resolution space images
§  Semantic segmentation for object detection and land cover mapping
§  3D reconstruction from remote sensing data
§  Geospatial data update and change detection
§  Super-resolution of imagery
§  Hyperspectral image processing
§  Information extraction from synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
§  Fusion of multi-sensor, multi-resolution and multi-temporal data
§  Feature extraction and machine learning for earth observation data
§  Neural networks and deep learning
§  Domain adaptation and transfer learning for remote sensing
§  Benchmark datasets for machine learning models
§  Large-scale mapping and big data
§  Rapid mapping for environmental applications and disaster management
§  Applications in agriculture, forestry, hydrology, and geology
§  Small satellites and satellite constellations for mapping

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit either full papers or abstracts.
For more information, click here.

Érkezett: 2019 február 5.


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