

Négy globális adat-szervezet (CODATA, GO FAIR, RDA és WDS) összefogása a COVID-19 járvány lekűzdése érdekében

Az MFTTT WG4SDG figyelmébe: az ICSU CODATA szervezettől ma érkezett üzenet és felhívás:

"CODATA together with GO FAIR, RDA, and WDS (the four major international data organisations), are pleased to outline their joint commitment to work together to optimise the global research data ecosystem and to identify the opportunities and needs that will trigger federated infrastructures to service the new reality of data-driven science.
A first concrete example of this is the following ‘Data Together COVID-19 Appeal and Actions’ 
The COVID-19 pandemic presents a major test for our science system and for our research and data infrastructures.  These infrastructures, such as open science clouds and data commons, must serve the needs of science, policy, and humanity not only in ‘normal times’, but also in times of crisis by providing controlled access to quality data in real-time and at scale for a range of scientific- and policy-related responses.
The Data Together organisations are jointly working on the following activities and invite all to contribute:
  1. Data Together–GO FAIR Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN)
  2. The Data Together–RDA COVID-19 Working Group 
  3. CODATA ‘Making Data Work for Cross-Domain Grand Challenges’ for launch in 2021
Read the full statement on Data Together COVID-19 Appeal and Actions



Asha Law | Program Assistant, CODATA | http://www.codata.org

Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96

CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

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