

Előnyös kapcsolódási lehetőség ISDE munkacsoportokhoz (mai felhívás)

Ma érkezett felhívás a Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság titkárságáról! "Call for Participation to the ISDE Working Groups Dear colleagues and friends, Within the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), for selected thematic, the relevant scientific and technical work of ISDE is to be strengthened through the ISDE Working Groups (WG). Each ISDE WG will define its own internal organization and is co-chaired by leading scientists joined with expert members who are interested in further advancing the relevant work. Each of the ISDE WGs has its own working scope and objectives with methodologies to achieve them. These groups also design long-term or short-term plans in order to implement the aims of the associated working group. It is desired that from time to time the ISDE WG organizes a dedicated workshop and/or has a dedicated Session at an ISDE event. The concept of ISDE WG is open to everyone in a non-exclusive manner; cultural diversity, gender equality, and a good balanced worldwide representation is encouraged. Any person wishing to join a particular ISDE WG shall submit an application form to the WG co-chair(s) with copy to the ISDE Secretariat (isde@radi.ac.cn). For more details, please check the website http://www.digitalearth-isde.org/list-92-1.html . Persons applying to become a member of a particular ISDE WG have to understand that being a member of the ISDE WG group is on a voluntary basis of mutual benefit. ISDE will not provide any fees, or any travel or accommodation expenses. If there are any costs associated with being a member of an ISDE WG group, for example participating at a Workshop, the person or his/her institution will need to cover any related expenses, insurance, etc. You are warmly invited to engage in ISDE working group activities. Please feel free to circulate this message to anyone around you who might be interested. Thank you. Sincerely, The Secretariat International Society for Digital Earth ISDE Website: www.digitalearth-isde.org ISDE LinkedIn: www.linkedin.cn/company/international-society-for-digital-earth © International Society for Digital Earth,版权所有 isde@radi.ac..cn" • WG1- Science and Technology for Digital Earth • WG2- Industry Engagement for Digital Earth • WG3- Digital Earth Governance and Ethics • WG4- Citizen Engagement and Empowerment in Digital Earth • WG5- Education and Capacity Building for Digital Earth • WG6- Contribution of Digital Earth to SDGs

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