

Publikációs lehetőség a földtudományos témák széles skálájában a geoinformációk szerepének hangsúlyozásával

Prof.Dr.Bashkim Idrisi főszerkesztő tegnapi figyelemfelhívása:



Micro Macro & Mezzo  Geo Information

(ISSN: 1857-9000;   EISSN: 1857-9019)

Next issue:  December 20, 2021.

Call for papers is constantly open!


Dear Respected Researcher,

The *Micro Macro & Mezzo Geo Information, MMM-GI* is a double blind PEER REVIEWED International Scientific Journal publishing original and high-quality scientific papers, professional papers, reviews, case studies, opinions, surveys, interviews, commentaries, in memoriam, and news for professional-scientific events and literature, covering a wide range of topics in the field of Geo sciences.


MMM-GI is an FREE and OPEN ACCESS International Scientific Journal  (according to CC BY-SA license) published biannually (on June and December) by the South-East European Research Institute on Geo Sciences, that is indexed in many international impact factor databases, and registered in National and university library “St. Clement of Ohrid” – Skopje with ISSN & EISSN numbers and COBISS.MK-ID:  95239178.


We invite you to submit your articles at info.geosee@gmail.com for publication in our journal.

Submitted articles should be prepared in English language and strictly follow the format as outlined in our guidelines http://mmm-gi.geo-see.org/guidelines.


Next issue: No.17, Year 2021;

Call for papers is CONSTANTLY OPEN;

To be published:  December 20, 2021!

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