

Várostervezés, területfejlesztés, ingatlanpiac és információs társadalom Konferencia Bécsben

Mai postánkból:
A CORP 007 Konferencia szervezőinek utolsó felhívása
Manfred Schrenk igazgató írja:

"About 500 experts from all over the world from the fields of
Urban planning and Regional Development,
Real Estate Business,
Infrastructure-planning and management,
Architecture, Surveying, Sociaology,
Information-Technologies, especially geo-information and spatial modelling and many more
from companies, research, politics and public administration will gather from May 20th -23rd 2007 at the international, interdisciplinary congress
REAL CORP 007: To plan is not enough (
www.corp.at) 12th international conference on urban planning and information society &2nd international Vienna Real Estate conference & GeoMultimedia007
at TechGate Vienna in Vienna / Austria.
There will be about 150 presentations and discussions on current trends in Urban Development of the 21st century, especially on the relationship between Urban Planning and Real Estate Development.CORP-conferences are for more the 10 years the biggest annual events on Urban Development and Information Society in Europe..
All details on the congress can be found at our website
www.corp.at, direct link to the detailed programme: http://programm.corp.at/REAL_CORP_007_program.pdfOf course it is still possible to register for REAL CORP 007 at our website.
What becomes 'modern' at the moment already is a good tradition at CORP for more then 10 years: to publish the proceedings free on the internet.The complete REAL CORP-Proceedings with all papers is already online, see
www.corp.at (direct link: http://programm.corp.at/cdrom2007/index.html).Please download the single papers only and not the complete volume unless you really need the whole thing ... - the complete volume is about 1100 pages / 60 MB ...!!!
It would be a pleasure to welcome you and/or your colleagues to REAL CORP 007!Even if it is impossible for you to participate in this years event I hope that the online-proceedings are useful for you and can support your professional work.
Best regards,Manfred Schrenk
Manfred Schrenk, director
CEIT ALANOVACentral European Institute of TechnologyDepartment for Urbanism, Transport, Environment and Information Society
concorde technology center schwechat (concorde.tcs)Am Concorde Park 2, Gebäude FA-2320 Schwechat
fon +43 1 90360 1240fax +43 1 90360 1299mobile +43 664 8544390

Director CORP - Competence Center for Urban and Regional Planning,
www.corp.at "

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