

PSI szövetség alakul

Chris Corbin ePSI szakértőtől érkezett a legfrisebb hír: elkészült a koppenhágai műhely jelentése. Ez a rendezvény az európai civil szervezetek bevonásával vitatta meg a közadatok újrahasznosításával kapcsolatos kérdéseket, áttekintve a sikereket és kudarcokat. Magyarországról a MATISZ és HUNAGI kaptak meghívást. Január 23-án rendezik a PSI szüvetség alakuló ülését. Bár a HUNAGI is kapott meghívást, hogy legyen alapító tag, egyelőre megfigyelőként követjük nyomon a szervezet fejlődését és a térinformatikai vonatkozású kérdésekben közvetlenül a MATISZ partnerszervezetünkkel működünk együtt.

Chis Corbin (aki brit testvérszervezetünk, az AGI igazgatója és az EUROGI vezetőségi tagja is volt) írja:
"Dear Colleagues
The report of the Associations meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark on the 31st August 2007 has been published on the ePSIplus portal.
The report maybe reached via the news item URL:
Due to the size of the document we have chosen to publish version 1 on the ePSIplus portal for download and then ask for your feedback.
All feedback received upto and including the 31st January 2008 will be considered for inclusion in a final version of the report if this is necessary.
The report is based on the information presented at the meeting that has been published under the event page on ePSIplus. If you would like to provide any missing information then please do so.
It would be helpful if the report could be brought to the attention of your members by placing some reference on your Associations web site.
It would also be helpful if your Associations web site has a link back to the ePSIplus web portal – some Associations already have this link in place. Please check that the link is to the current ePSIplus web site and not the predecessor projects. The correct link is: http://www.epsiplus.net/
You may also be interested in the report on the second meeting that took place in Brussels which has also been published and can be reached via the following URL:
Finally it would be extremely helpful if you could bring to the attention of your private sector members of your Associations the PSI Alliance launch meeting that will take place in Prague on the 23 January 2008. The URL for the launch information is:
Please encourage as many of your private sector members involved with PSI to register on the ePSIplus web site as the list of registered private sector companies is being used to send regular updates on the PSI Alliance at the current time as the PSI Alliance comes into being. Thanks.
Chris (Corbin) ePSIplus Analyst"

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