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7th Eastern European e|Gov Days: eGovernment & eBusiness Ecosystem & eJustice
April (22) -23 – 24, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
Jointly organised by:
Forum e|Government / OCG-Austrian Computer Society, Vienna (AT) and EPMA / Vysocina
Region (CZ) with Vienna Core group (EU), Judicial Academy (CZ), Respekt Institute (CZ)
The annual Eastern European e|Gov Days provide a solid platform for exchange of creative ideas and inspiring technology transfer between Western and Eastern European countries. The 7th Eastern European e|Gov Days will take place in Prague as the event, supplementing the Czech presidency of the EU.
The general schedule:
April 22 - Independent workshops (EPMA may provide organizational support on demand)
April 23 – Conference Opening, plenary panels, thematic sessions. Conference Gala dinner
April 24 – Plenary panels and thematic sessions
Call for papers:
Transformational Government enabled by ICT is becoming mainstream, having an impact on all aspects
of eGovernance. Papers are welcomed on technological, socio-economic, organizational and
political aspects, related to eGovernment agenda, especially papers on Cross-topic issues, showing
the integrated knowledge from different disciplines and fields of expertise. What social consequences
may arise from that particular model, solution, decision or scenario? How it affects national, regional,
local levels of governance?
I. Government Transformation and eService provision
• Personal Data Protection & eGovernment Interoperability
• Identification and Authentication, Security and Identity Management
• Information and Data Security
• Trust (political, economic, social, technological) & Responsibilities
• Future of customer-centric ICT-enabled services
• eDemocracy & eParticipation
II. Digital Government & Business Ecosystem
• Responsive governance and eParticipation, Social Capital and Public Democratic Values.
• Vertical and horizontal integration & G2G, G2B, G2C services
• Government as Open Source (not only FLOSS aspect)
• eGovernment & eBusiness Ecosystem: concepts, models and challenges
• Economic and financial aspects, processes, models
• Evaluation and measurement of eGovernment
• eProcurement
• Semantic technologies
• eCrime in Networked Government&Cybersecurity
III. eJustice
• Judicial decisions on-line (data protection/anonymization, accessibility, applications, uniform
gateways, semantic search systems etc.)
• On-line publication of black-letter law (availability of national laws incl. language issues, search
engines, publication of consolidated versions, multi-jurisdictional systems, unification of search criteria and search terms, semantic systems etc.
• IT support of the judiciary (judicial databases, electronic file administration, voice recognition, semantic help, IT support of decision making, etc.)
• Legal aspects of e-government implementation
• Electronic court filing (electronic court file, electronic submissions, electronic documents in justice, electronic hearings, electronic decisions, official forms of electronic communication etc.)
• Security and authentication in judicial systems (securing judicial systems, access control, resisting attacks and accidents, real-time protection etc.). eCrime legal aspects.
IV. Public Sector Information
o National implementation of Directive 2003/98/EC throughout Europe (experience, opinions, outlook)
o Innovative PSI products & packages originated from public sector bodies or modified by private companies (business, geographic, meteorology, traffic, socio-economical, legal etc.)
o Accessibility of PSI and its privacy issues
o Economic issues of PSI
o Problems and challenges of data holders
o The end users’ view
We expect inputs of experts from academy, business and public administration, as well as from independent think tanks. Papers: original and innovative contributions with a length of approx. 3000 - 4000 words, covering methodological issues as well as case studies.
Important dates !!! Submission of papers: December 20, 2008
Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2009
Camera ready copies for the Book March 31, 2009
Accepted papers will be published in the Book series of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and provided to all participants on CD ROM. The paper version will be produced in June 2009.
Please, send your contribution to the Proceedings coordinator Aleš PEKÁREK, and in copy to Radek BEJDÁK,
The conference will have also the small Exhibition and POSTER area, combined with a „Sand-pit“ section for direct exchange of experiences. Expressions of interest for contributions to the poster section and “Sand-pit” are also welcomed (cca 5 min presentations).
Programme issues, overall organization and sponsoring: Irina ZÁLIŠOVÁ,,
Registration, as well as all further information concerning the programme, accommodation and social
events will be available soon at
Organizers: EPMA, Prague (CZ), tel. +420 234 602 268
Forum eGovernment/Austrian Computer Society (OCG), Vienna (AT),