

Internet of Things - rövid képes beszámoló

Hihetetlen sebességgel nő az internethez csatlakoztatott tárgyak, dolgok száma és jövőre eléri az egy trilliót! Az IoT architektúrájának kialakítása ehhez kell igazodjon. A hol kérdésre a válasz térinformatikát igényel.  A rendezvényen az Európai Bizottság részéről résztvevő Florent Frederix, az InfSo és Média főigazgatóság RFID részlegvezetőjével folytatott beszélgetés során a mind a HUNAGI, mind az EUROGI szerepe szóba került ami lehetőséget teremt konkrét ügyben a jövőbeni közvetlen kapcsolatfelvételre (pld. a Digitális Föld konferencia kapcsán).

HUNAGI album: http://picasaweb.google.com/hunagialbums/InternetofThings
Program forrás: www.iot-budapest.eu
Opening speeches
9:00 – 9:40Room: I
  • Neelie KroesVice President of the European Commission for Digital Agenda  (from video)
  • Gérald SantucciHead of Unit INFSO D4, ‘Networked Enterprise and RFID’, European Commission
  • László Pap, Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Conference keynotes
9:40 - 10:2Room: I
·         The Internet of Things: Back to the Future
Lara Srivastava, Media Communications Professor and Policy Consultant, WebsterUniversity and infoDev/World Bank 
·         IoT - the next turf of human creativity

Heikki Ailisto, Research Professor, VTT
·         Internet of Things - How to love people and use things by creating Smart Environments and Spaces
Ovidiu Vermesan, Chief Scientist, SINTEF
Privacy and data protection in the IoT age: challenges and
10:25 - 11:25Room: I
Moderator: Hana Pechačkova, European Commission, DG Justice
·         New technologies: a challenge for privacy and data protection
András Jóri, Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
·         Privacy and data protection in the IoT age: mission impossible?
Chiara Giovannini, Research and Innovation Manager, ANEC
·         (tba)
Barbara Daskala, Expert in Risk Analysis and Management European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA)
·         Security and Privacy in IOT: the role of Trusted elements
Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director, GlobalPlatform
11:25         - 11:45      Coffee break       
Socio-economic challenges
11:45 - 12:45Room: I
Moderator: Frédéric G. Thiesse, Professor, University of Wuerzburg
·         IoT in the Ageing Society
Rudolf Mezei, Managing Director, HUNGIMPEX Ltd. OMRON Distributor
·         RFID Emissions Track/NFC Emissions Display
John Connors, CEO, Supply Chain Carbon Council
·         Technologies and multi-channel strategies for the connected consumer
Christian Plenge, Head of Architecture, Frameworks & Innovation METRO SYSTEMS GmbH
·         Internet of Things: Shaping the future of production
László Monostori, Deputy Director Research; József Váncza, Elisabeth Ilie-Zudor, Zsolt Kemény, Computer and Automation Research Institute (SZTAKI), Hungarian Academy of Sciences
12:45         - 13:45      Lunch break       
Application areas of IoT                                      Parallel sessions
13:45 - 15:15
Payments and mobile IoTRoom: I
Moderator: András Vilmos, Managing Director, SafePay Systems Ltd.,                              Chairman of Stolpan Association
·         Entering the Digital Age: M-Payments challenges for Europe
Jörgen Gren, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission
·         Pay-By-Mobil Status Update
Nav Bains, Senior Director Mobile Money, GSMA
·         Mobile Banking and Payments
Dag Inge Flatraaker, General Manager, DnB NOR Bank
·         Mobile commerce is developing rapidly
László Szetnics, Regional Business Development Manager, MasterCard Europe

Smart cities and intelligent public transportRoom: II
Moderator: Budapest Transport Centre
·         What is needed to introduce attractive ITS solutions for the public transport user?
Stenerik Ringqvist, UITP EuroTeam expert, UITP
·         Sustainability of “smart city ecosystems” by using the most advanced identification technologies
László Veilinger, Business Development Director, NXP Semiconductors
·         M2M Going Urban – The Solution For Sustainable Green Living?
Mischa Dohler, Head of [IQe], CTTC
·         Smart Things and Smart People: user driven open innovation with smart citizens
Dave Carter, Head, Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), Manchester City Council
·         The Smarter City Vision of IBM
Ferenc Pongrácz, Chief Operating Officer, IBM Hungary
M2MRoom: III

Moderator: Florent Frederix, Head of Sector RFID, Information Society and                     Media Directorate-General, European Commission

·         Embedded Mobile Technologies, M2M Communication, Security in the Network of Things
David Lisal, Sales Manager Telecom Central Europe, Oberthur Technologies
·         M2M Architecture challenges; Why we must not failed.
Patrick Wetterwald, Smart Grid and IoT Product Manager. IPSO founder and past President, Cisco
·         Large Area Sensors as initiator for IP based M2M communication
Andreas Schaller, Managing director, ASC Andreas Schaller Technology Consulting
·         Where is M2M today? The Smarthome Concept
Pál Miletics, Head of Digital Hungary (Corporate Sales and Marketing Department), Telenor Hungary Plc
Future supply chainRoom: IV    
Moderator: Dávid Kétszeri, GS1 in Europe
·         Class – Clinical Laboratory Automated Stockroom System
Brendan Kernan, Manager-Technical Standards and Solutions, GS1 Ireland
·         Augmented Traceability with IoT : Use case demo for seafood supply chains
Nicolas Pauvre, Network Solutions Project Manager, GS1 France
·         Semantic Unity in the Diversity of Technologies: closing the gap between use-cases and technology
Szabolcs Szigeti, Deputy director, Public Administration’s Centre of Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
·         Model-based Design and Operation in Internet of Things
András Pataricza, Professsor and Hassan Charaf, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems
15:15 - 15:35     Coffee break       
The need for governance of the IoT: what role for the public sector?
15:35 - 16:35Room: I
Moderator: Alessandro Bassi, Hitachi
·         The governance dimension of the Internet of things
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor, University of Aarhus
·         A European Perspective on the Internet of Things Governance
Bernard Benhamou, Ministerial Delegate for Internet usage, Ministry of Research and Higher Education
·         International Co-operation – the key to a successful Global IoT initiative
Ian Smith, President, AIM UK
·         IOT Implementation in Mobile Environment
Balázs Benyó, Associate professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Conference keynote: the entrepreneurship's perspective
16:35 - 16:50Room: I
·         Smart people, dumb objects, networked environments
Usman Haque, Founder/CEO, Connected Environments Ltd
Conference clos

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