

HUNAGI tagjai és partnerei a 12. e-Hírlevélben megkapják a Goodchild cikket

Mai postánkból. Prof. Dr. WANG Changlin ISDE főtitkár írja levelében (HUNAGI háromszorosan érintett):
Dear ISDE EC members, IJDE Editorial Board members,  Co-authors  (PNAS Paper),  and friends,
I have successfully downloaded early edition of the paper published on the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). This paper is a product of the Digital Earth Vision Discussion  held in Beijing in March 2011, initiated by the International Society for Digital Earth and supported by the Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth, CAS. The paper is led by Prof. Mike Goodchild and co-authored with many participants in the meeting.
Here, I would like to share this paper with you, and wish to promote this paper as widely as possible. This is a milestone for  ISDE, as it prospects the future of Digital Earth development and represents ISDE's role in advancing  geospatial information development in the world.
On behalf of ISDE secretariat, I would like to thank Prof. Mike Goodchild for his work and time on this paper. His contribution to ISDE is well acknowledged.
Best regards
Changlin WANG

WANG Changlin, Prof. Dr.
Executive Director, International Society for Digital Earth
Executive Editor, International Journal of Digital Earth (SCI Expanded, 2010 Impact Factor 1.453)  
Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Room A708, No. 9 Deng Zhuang Nan Lu, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China
Tel: 86-10-82178196, Email: wcl@ceode.ac.cnwcl.ceode@gmail.com
ISDE WEBsite: http://www.digitalearth-isde.org
IJDE Paper Online Submission: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijde"
HUNAGI tagjai és partnerei a 12. e-Hírlevélben még ezen a hétvégén megkapják a Goodchild cikk pdf változatát

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