

Elérhető a tavaszi "Katasztrófakockázat csökkentése" konferencia előadáskötete

HUNAGI postájából. Az alábbi, számos értékes forráshellyel kiegészített figyelemfelhívást az  ICSU CODATA német tagozatának elnöke, Horst Kremer úr küldte:
News from the CODATA_International eNewsList follows from here:
Proceedings of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held 19-23 May 2013 in Geneva

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is pleased to announce that the proceedings of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held 19-23 May 2013 in Geneva is now available online at the following address: http://www.preventionweb.net/globalplatform/2013/news/view/34344
The English version of the proceedings can be downloaded immediately. The translated versions in other UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) and the printed publication will be available in early September 2013.
Information and Knowledge Management for Disaster Risk Reduction (IKM4DRR) network
Workshop Report
Best regards
Horst Kremers
Chair, CODATA-Germany
Horst Kremers, Engineer, Information Scientist / Office
P.O. Box 20 05 48, 13515 Berlin, Germany
The German National Committee for the ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology
CODATA-Germany Lecture Notes in Information Sciences  http://www.codata-germany.org/LNIS.htm
GIS Berlin-Brandenburg communication list http://www.kbx7.de/?lid=6332&c=list
DGfK Kommission „Risiken, Katastrophen, Sicherheit“ http://rks-kommission.dgfk.net
CEGeoIC,  February 6-8, 2013
Int. Conf. On Geo- and Environmental Information and Communication
Bogota, Colombia
eNewslist on Latin American and Caribbean
Environmental Information and Communication
Skype:  yarumobln
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