

Levéllel jelezhető a GSDI két soronkövetkező konferencia egyikének helyszínére vonatkozó pályázási szándék

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Addig is a GSDI eddigi konferenciáinak helyszínei, időpontjai és elérhető dokumentumai a GSDI honlapjáról letölthetőek:

"GSDI Conferences

GSDI 14 Addis Ababa
3-8 November, 2013
Theme: Spatial Enablement in Support of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction
GSDI 13 Quebec City
14-17 May, 2012
Theme: Spatially Enabling Government, Industry and Citizens
GSDI 12 Singapore
19-22 October, 2010
Theme: Realising Spatial Enabled Societies
GSDI 11 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
15-19 June, 2009
Theme: Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Building SDI Bridges to address Global Changes
GSDI 10 St. Ausustine, Trinidad 
25-29 February, 2008
Theme: Small Island Perspectives on Global Challenges: The Role of Spatial Data in Supporting a Sustainable FutureProceedings
GSDI 9 Santiago, Chile 
6-10 November, 2006 
Theme: Geographic Information: Tool for Reducing Poverty Proceedings
GSDI 8 Cairo, Egypt 
16-21 April, 2005 
Theme: From Pharaohs to Geoinformatics: The Role of SDI’s in an Information Society ProceedingsResolutions
GSDI 7 Bangalore, India
30 Jan - 6 Feb, 2004
Theme: Spatial Data Infrastructures for a Sustainable Future 
Proceedings / Resolutions
GSDI 6 Budapest, Hungary
16-19 Sept, 2002
Theme: From Global to Local Proceedings / Documents  / Resolutions
GSDI 5 Cartagena, Colombia
21-24 May, 2001
Theme: Sustainable Development: GSDI for Improved Decision-Making Proceedings / Documents / Resolutions
GSDI 4 Cape Town, South Africa
13-15 March, 2000
Theme: Engaging Emerging Economies Proceedings / Documents / Resolutions
GSDI 3 Canberra, Australia 
17-19 Nov, 1998
Theme: Policy and Organizational Frameworks for GSDI Proceedings / Documents  / Resolutions
GSDI 2 Chapel Hill, USA 
20-21 Oct, 1997
Theme: Towards Sustainable Development Worldwide Proceedings / Documents  / Resolutions
GSDI 1 Bonn, Germany
4-6 Sept, 1996
Theme: The Emerging GSDI 
Proceedings / Documents  / Resolutions"
Forrás: http://www.gsdi.org/gsdiConferences

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