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Kilátás a konferencia helyszínéről a norfolki kikötőre az érkezéskor |
Az eseményről videoközvetítés lesz. Hans-Peter Plag professzor írta tegnapi levelében:
" During the workshops, the GEO Secretariat is keeping a WebEx meeting open and we will have all plenary sessions connected to this WebEx meeting. The Meeting will be open every day from 11:00 GMT until 23:00 GMT. To join the meeting go to https://geosec.webex.com and look for the "GEOSS S&T meeting" on the day you want to connect. The password is Geoss2. If you pass this information to your colleagues, please ask them to use their computer to connect to audio and not the toll-free call-in numbers." Ezáltal az eseményt az érdekeltek/érdeklődők szélesebb köre is követni tudja.
Gyors jelentés (megküldve a GSDI számára):
An introduction was made on GSDI Association at the GEOSS AIP-8 a Full Day Meeting chaired b Bart De Lathouwer this morning
mentioning the recent Marine (coastal and sea) SDI related activities of GSDI for
- Global survey on Marine SDIs (highlighting the number of feedbacks: 81 national SDIs - Oct 2014)
- Inventory on Marine SDIs
Coastal GIS 2015
- Workshop proposal
- Paper written by Jade
Georis-Creuseveau, Joep Crompvoets, Roger Longhorn on the development of Marine SDI
Moreover about the mission on GSDI to promote the share and use of GI and interoperability of services
Moreover about the mission on GSDI to promote the share and use of GI and interoperability of services
Introducting HUNAGI as member of GSDI, the following actions in the GEOSS-context were mentioned:
Application oriented
- IGIT 2015 - a recent conference hosted by Óbuda University Institute of Geoinformatics at Székesfehérvár onIntegrated Geospatial Information Technologies for implementation of GEOSS (together with RADI,Beijing, ITC, GEO Sec and others),
- National HUNAGI Competition Mobile GI Apps (awarded at the Infotér eGov ICT conference in 2014), (2015: AIP-8 aspects might be taking into account in the evaluation)
- Being involved in the promotion of the NASA World Wind Europa Challange (third consecutive year, next awarding at the FOSS4G Europe Conference in Como)
- Promoting the just announced European Commission RTD-JRC Call on Opportunity called MyGEOSS app development aiming information provision for citizens on the changes affecting their local environment.
In the breakout session devoted to Sensors, the International Budapest Drones Conference participated by Data Protection Agencies in Europe was referred, where in frame of the legislation framework development, reporting and inventory related regulations seems to be needed: it provides space for challenges and opportunities e.g. metadata on sensors on on-board of UAVs and the data collected and measurements observed by UASs.
First steps in promising potential links have been established with GSDI and George Mason University
NASA Langley Center and HUNAGI member Dept of Natural Geography and Geoinformatics of the Debrecen University in the subject of solar capacity measurements." (márc. 23).
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