

MyGEOSS felhívás! A RTD-JRC pályázatbejelentési közleménye mobil és webalapú alkalmazásokra

Mai postánkból. Ma délután Sven Schade, a JRC tudományos munkatársa kérte az alábbi figyelemfelhívó anyag széleskörű terjesztését:
""MYGEOSS" CALL ANNOUNCEMENT on smart mobile or web-based applications to inform European citizens on the changes affecting their local environment

The European Commission (DG RTD and JRC) is launching an open call for the development of innovative applications (mobile or web-based) using openly available or crowd-generated data in different domains addressing citizens’ needs.

The pool of open data for use includes but is not limited to the Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (GEOSS Data-CORE) made available by the Group on Earth observation (GEO) through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), as well as open data from EU-funded projects.

The focus of this call will be on developing applications that will provide users with quantitative or qualitative information on the changing environment, e.g. change detection in climate, biodiversity, water bodies, coastal areas, built environment, green areas, forestry, agricultural land and crops, and atmospheric composition.

Launch of the call: 18 March
Deadline for submitting application concept, prototype, or user story: 30 April

More details available from http://digitalearthlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/mygeoss/call.cfm"

A gyors közreadást követően még két óra előtt Dr. Sven Schade írta:
"We are looking forward to see inspiring contributions from Hungary!!"
(Ebben bízik a HUNAGI is mint tagjai ernyőszervezete és sok avatott műhely partnere)

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