

Mobil-alkalmazásfejlesztők figyelem! Space App Camp az ESA ESRIN-ben

A legújabb fejlemények és lehetőségekről ad hírt Lara Schflinger oberpfaffenhofeni Alkalmazásközpont Kft-től:

"For the fifth time, ESA will be inviting 20 developers to its ESRIN location in Frascati (including travel expenses and accommodation). The Space App Camp is an opportunity to spend a week with like-minded people, gaining insight into the European Space Programmes, and learning how to enrich mobile applications with satellite data. Especially with the recently launched radar and high-res image satellites from the Sentinel fleet, of the Copernicus programme doors will be open to countless potential mobile applications. The winning team will be rewarded with a cash prize worth EUR 2,500.
Regarding this great opportunity I would very much appreciate if you could forward the enclosed information on how to apply to your network of students, researchers or developers and/or publish information on your website. All information is also available at the website www.app-camp.eu.
If you have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help."
A szeptember 12-19 közötti táborra július 22-ig lehet jelentkezni. A 20 kiválasztott utazási költségeit az ESA fedezi és a nyertes csapat 2500 € pénzdíjban is részesül.

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