

Ébresztő! Közadatok újrahasznosítása EU pályázatkiírás

Három fontos területet érintő tenderkiírás
(térképészet-kataszter, meteorológia és jogi információk)

Mai postánkból!
(Mint emlékezetes, 2005 tavaszán az ePSInet magyarországi szervezet vezetőjével Szigeti Péterrel és Chris Corbinnal (volt EUROGI vezetőségi tag, angol társszervezetünk korábbi igazgatója) valamint Rob Davies-szel a HUNAGI együtt szervezte az A38 hajón az első PSI-térinformatikai szekciót, melyen még az adatvédelmi biztos irodája is képviseltette magát.
Idén tavasszal a Gazdasági és Közlekedési tárca kezdte meg - a HUNAGI bevonásával - a téma előrevitelét.) Ime az ePSIplus késő esti felhívása az érdekeltek számára:
"Dear Colleagues,
The European Commission has published a call for tenders to undertake assessment studies on the impact of the PSI Directive in three sectors:

· Geographical Information (Carto-Graphic Mapping and Cadastral)
· Meteorological Information (Weather)
· Legal Information

These studies form the first part of the European Commission’s plan to review the impact of the PSI Directive across Europe.
A news item has been placed on ePSIplus web portal titled:
PSI Directive Review commences
Please give this call for tenders as much publicity in your natural language as possible.
I would be grateful when you have posted an item that you provide me with a copy either of the URL if on the Internet or a copy of the email alerting people. Thanks.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the ePSIplus Thematic Network work programme has been adjusted where possible to closely align with the European Commission’s review activities of the PSI Directive as such we are working closely with the Commission in this area. The ePSIplus Thematic Network can add value to the process but only if we all contribute. All input how ever small is beneficial and welcome.
The European Commissions call for tenders is not just of interest to potential bidders it is of Direct relevance to:
· all that maybe subsequently contacted by whom ever is undertaking the assessment later this year on the behalf of the Commission.
· all people and organisations that have an interest in the re-use of PSI as this demonstrates the intent of the European Commission with respect to monitoring and ensuring the PSI Directive reaches the objective and has had the impact that was envisaged.
The ePSIplus Thematic Network now has another opportunity to support this process.
It is also very important that the whole of the ePSIplus Thematic Network supports the process and one way to actively do this is to provide more information for placing on the ePSIplus web site.
There is a real need for Good Practice and examples of Companies that have successfully re-used PSI.
Please provide the materials in the natural language (if an English translation is available then all the better). It is important where possible to provide URL's as the materials must be referenced and traceable to provide credence to the substance of the document. I would need an English title or sentence explaining what it is about if it is in one of the European Union Official languages other than English.
It is very important that your country is reflected in the studies referred to above – let’s see if we can ensure through out collective actions that the studies are at least geographically comprehensive.
Many thanks - I hope that you welcome the above information and news item.

Kind Regards
Chris (Corbin), ePSIplus Analyst
Rob (Davies), ePSIplus Network Co-ordinator Rob.Davies@ePSIplus.net
www.epsiplus.net - Europe’s one-stop shop on Public Sector Information re-use
Contact: Rob Davies, ePSIplus Network Co-ordinator (
The ePSIplus Network is funded under the
European Commission’s eContentplus programme."

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