

(Tér)informatika és biztonság

Az InfSo főigazgatóság épülete Brüsszelben.
Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2005

A HUNAGI mai postjából

Kolossa Tamás úr, az Információs Társadalom Főigazgatóságról küldte a következő figyelemfelhívást tartalmazó EU-s kölevelet:

"Dear Colleagues,
1. Call for papers, 2nd International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS'07), Malaga, 3-5 October 2007
2. Call for participation, 2nd ESFORS Workshop on "Trust, Security and in Service Oriented Infrastructures" in the context of Resilience in a Computer Supported Service Oriented Economy, 10-11 July 2007, University of Maribor, Slovenia
1. CRITIS'07 Workshop: The call for Papers is open till 25 June
The 2nd International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS'07) will be held in Malaga, Spain, 3-5 October, co-sponsored by IFIP WG 11.10 on Critical Infrastructures Protection, IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Information Assurance, and Joint Research Centre Ispra of the European Commission. It will bring together researchers and professionals from universities, private companies and Public Administrations interested or involved in all security-related heterogeneous aspects of Critical Information Infrastructures. Further information on this workshop and its call for papers and be found at:
2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION, 2nd ESFORS Workshop on "Trust, Security and in Service Oriented Infrastructures" in the context of Resilience in a Computer Supported Service Oriented Economy, 10-11 July 2007, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
The ESFORS partners, in association with Nessi Slovenia, are pleased to invite you to the 2nd annual Workshop of ESFORS on "Trust, Security and Dependability in Service Oriented Infrastructures" in the context of Resilience in a Computer Supported Service Oriented Economy.
The workshop is well-positioned to provide input to the definition of the FP7 ICT Work Programme for 2009-2010 in the areas of Trust, Security and Dependability for Software and Services.
ESFORS is an IST-FP6 Coordination Action that aims at bringing together the European ICT stakeholders working in the area of security and dependability to address the security and dependability requirements of emerging software service platforms.
The workshop is structured around the following two major topics:
(1) "Future R&D in Secure Software Systems and Services: Gap Analysis" with 3 parallel sessions: - Engineering dynamic & ad-hoc service coalitions - Scalable and adaptative ubiquitous service infrastructures - Alignment of security and trustworthy services
(2) "Resilience in Services and Service Infrastructures" with 3 parallel sessions: - Resilience in service oriented infrastructures - Resilience in software systems and services - Resilience in Business Processes
The workshop announcement can be found at
http://www.esfors.org/ESFORS_2ndWS_Announcement.pdf and the agenda and description of working sessions can be found at http://www.esfors.org/ESFORS_Agenda.php and at http://www.esfors.org/ESFORS_Complete_Program.html
For registering at the workshop: http://www.esfors.org/workshop_registration.php
Jacques BUS Head of Security Unit DG Information Society and Media,

ICT Programme European Commission email:
Jacques.BUS@ec.europa.eu tel: + fax: +
Additional information about the Security unit can be found at
http://cordis.europa.eu/ist/trust-security/newsletter.htm "

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