

Az Európai Bizottság INSPIRE konferenciája

Az EUROGI múlt heti értekezletén hallottak alapján április 14-i előkészítő szakértői találkozóra kerül sor. Ezt követően május 14-én kerül sorra az EU INSPIRE Bizottságának második ülése. A széleskörű áttekintést a szakmai nagyközönség részére a maribori INSPIRE konferencia fogja jelenteni, melyet a szlovén elnökség ideje alatt tartanak idén nyáron.
A konferenciáról az eContentplus program irányítóján (Krister Olson) és az eSDI-Netplus projekt vezetőjén (Joachim Rix) keresztül szereztünk újabb értesülést. Karen Fullerton (SDI Unit, DG JRC) összefoglalója :
The INSPIRE Conference will take place in Slovenia, 23-25 June 2008.
With the adoption of the INSPIRE directive, 2007/2/EC, the focus of this year's conference is on reviewing the progress of the INSPIRE Legislation and on the development of SDIs in general. The objectives of this year's conference are to:
View the current state of progress of the
INSPIRE legislation
Share knowledge on the progress of transposition of the INSPIRE directive in the member states
Offer an opportunity to the INSPIRE Drafting Teams and Thematic Working Groups to report on the development of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules
Further our understanding of the implementation challenges, costs, and benefits of SDIs at national, regional, and local level
Identify key issues and opportunities for European SDI projects
Explore and define synergies with other initiatives such as Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)
The conference will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing in particular on applications and implementations of SDIs, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications.
With this in mind this call for papers envisages submissions for the following topic areas
INSPIRE Implementation
Sharing of national experiences with transposition
Coordination and organisational models
Process of legal transposition
Sharing of experiences and tools for implementation of National SDIs
Licensing frameworks
Portals and registries
Social and economic impacts
Education and awareness raising
Trans-national SDI projects (including EU (co-)funded projects)
... and beyond
New policies, new requirements, new stakeholders
European voice in global SDI initiatives
Evolving technologies
We are particularly interested in accounts of what works, and what does not work, what are perceived benefits for policy, public administration, citizens and the private sector. Proposals will be evaluated by the programme committee and those accepted will be included in the on-line conference proceedings.
Best regards,
Karen Fullerton"

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