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Ma egyébként megérkezett a sajtófelhívás is, melyet a HUNAGI a megegyezés alapján blogjain közzétesz és tartalmáról hírlevélben értesíti majd tagjait és partnereit is.
Ime a levél:
" The central & eastern European member states are currently re-designing and developing their GIS strategies in line with the new requirements of the EU and NATO. Challenges such as achieving cross-border interoperability, tackling refugee and narcotics trafficking, supporting in-theatre operations in Afghanistan, Iraq require strategic support from GIS services of each European nation. This is why heads of GIS in central & eastern Europe are meeting at DGI CEE 2009, September 29th -30th, in Prague. Top level defence and national security GIS experts will be sharing their interoperability, in-theatre support, GIS growth and development strategies to ensure that their country is fully integrated into the EU and NATO operations across the globe. The conference is fully supported by NATO, EU, NGA US and will be welcoming speakers and delegates from MoD across Europe, including: Pavel Skala, Head of GIS, MOD Czech Reupblic, Janko Rozman, Head of GIS in Slovenian MoD, Col. Jaroslav Piroh, Head of Geo-Support Services, TOPOGRAFICKY USTAV, SLOVAKIA and many of their colleagues from the region.
Two of the key issues covered at the event are: 1. supporting NATO and EU in their their GIS strategies in Europe and 2. supporting soldiers in-theatre. Most eastern European countries are working hard to ensure their efforts are in line with the western GIS infrastructure, however, there is still a long way to go. If you are interested in finding out what NATO and EU expect from the new member states and how these expectations are being fulfilled, join DGI CEE 2009 in Prague.
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