The old building of the Szeged University of Sciences was the venue of the SDI in SEE Countries organised by the Hungarian CASCADOSS Association and hosted by the Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics. On the first day of the program presentations on CASCADOSS, AGISEE, the state of the art of SDI developments in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, UK/Scotland and Hungary have been delivered and discussed. HUNAGI was introduced by its recent domestic activities but also the GSDI Legal and Socioecon Committee was highlighted. EUROGI was formally represented at the Workshop and its potential contribution to the GSDI by the successful European best practices and the elaborated methodology (criteria, aspects, sub-national SDIs, identification, survey, assessment, database maintenance, award) with special emphasis on the Self Assessment Framework and related enhanced databases.
Forthcoming SDI conferences in the SEE region include
Split 14-16 September, 2011 (incl. agreement on cross-border cooperation of the Croatian and Hungarian NMCAs)
Skopje 19-20 September 2011
Beograd 1-2 December 2011
A rendezvényen két alregionális és egy regionális nemzetközi szervezet képviseltette magát:
Előadások hangzottak el az INTERREG IVC pályázási lehetőségeiről továbbá az OS GIS téradat vonatkozásairól.
Forthcoming SDI conferences in the SEE region include

Skopje 19-20 September 2011
Beograd 1-2 December 2011
A rendezvényen két alregionális és egy regionális nemzetközi szervezet képviseltette magát:
Előadások hangzottak el az INTERREG IVC pályázási lehetőségeiről továbbá az OS GIS téradat vonatkozásairól.
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