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On behalf of the AGILE council, we would like to invite you to participate at the 16th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, scheduled to take place between 14 and 17 May 2013 in Leuven, Belgium, which is situated at the heart of Europe. This years’ conference will pay special attention to the role Geographic Information Science & Technology can play to help resolving the societal challenges we are facing, and to support European policy making in particular.
'This is a reminder for the call for short papers and posters for next years’ AGILE Conference which will take place in Leuven, 14-17 May.
We want to draw your attention on the fact that you need to use the mentioned templates/guidelines.
See the AGILE 2013 website for more information: http://agile.gis.geo.tu- conference/conference-2013
31 January 2013 is the deadline for submission.
Danny, Joep and Bénédicte
Chairs AGILE 2013 Programme Committee
16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe
14-17 May 2013, Leuven, Belgium
Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe
14-17 May 2013, Leuven, Belgium
On behalf of the AGILE council, we would like to invite you to participate at the 16th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, scheduled to take place between 14 and 17 May 2013 in Leuven, Belgium, which is situated at the heart of Europe. This years’ conference will pay special attention to the role Geographic Information Science & Technology can play to help resolving the societal challenges we are facing, and to support European policy making in particular.
Call for Papers
The program will offer pre‐conference workshops, keynote sessions, parallel paper presentation sessions and a poster session to share your ideas, and to explore on‐going research & future developments, including state‐of‐the‐art applications. The conference will also allow you to network with other professionals from academia, industry and government who are interested in promoting GI teaching and research activities at the European level.
Potential contributors to this conference are invited to submit:
Full papers: this track is closed now
Short papers: 2000 to 3000‐words manuscript of original and unpublished research work. High‐quality scientific and strategic (industrial and governmental) submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and will be published online as separate proceedings (with separate ISBN number). Papers must be written in correct English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines which can be found on the conference website. Please note that the best short papers will be invited for submission of an extended version of their paper for publication in a special issue of 2 International Journals (to be announced in January). This will process will start after the AGILE 2013 review process in April 2013.
Poster submission: 500 to 1000‐words manuscript of original scientific and strategic research work. High‐quality submissions will be accepted for poster presentations at the conference, which will provide the exceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussions and exchange novel ideas. Posters proposals must be written in correct English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines which can be found on the conference website.

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