

GEO rajongók oldala a Facebook közösségi hálón

Mai postánkból. A GEO genfi titkárságáról érkezett felhívás a Facebook közösségi hálón megalakított GEO rajongók egyfajta klubjába.
" Dear GEO colleagues,
The GEO Secretariat and the GEO-VI host government are pleased to invite you to join the new GEO Facebook Fan Page. This page has been created to help the GEO community stay connected with the upcoming GEO-VI Plenary and with other GEO activities.
This social media forum is a resource for staying current on up-to-the-minute information and images from the GEO-VI Plenary, including the Exhibition, workshops and Plenary sessions. After the Plenary it will continue to offer easy access to information about GEO through RSS feeds, discussion boards, photo albums and links to information from participating GEO members and organizations.
You can visit and contribute to the GEO Facebook Page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Group-on-Earth-Observations/166896229130.
We hope you find this site useful and engaging as you connect with other GEO colleagues and activities.
With best regards,
The GEO Secretariat
Az oldal a címsorra kattintva is elérhető.
A GEO egyébként éppen ma tart fontos előkészítő műhelyt több GEO szakbizottság együttes munkacsoport ülésén az USA Tudományos Akadémiáján az adatokról és megosztásukról. Európát az INSPIRE-ron keresztül Massimo Craglia (DG JRC képviseli). A műhely programját itt is közreadjuk:

GEO Joint Task Workshop

Planning Document for the Washington DC GEO Alliances and Harmonization Workshop on November 11 and 12, 2009

Critical Information:

Dates: November 11, 12, 2009

Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Location: National Academy of Sciences Building

2100 C St. NW

Washington, DC


Joint Sessions

Specific objectives for the symposium include

1) Set the context for the discussion of the workshop tasks and related activities.

2) Explore opportunities for the GEO tasks to collaborate and coordinate their efforts.

Alliance Sessions

Specific objectives for the workshop include:

1) Developing the understanding of what a data alliance is.

2) Introducing representatives of data centres to the opportunities within GEO regarding data alliances

3) Launching one or more experimental data centre alliances.


1) A workshop report that summarizes the potential contributions of different data centres to GEO data centre alliances.

2) Initiate at least one prototype data centre alliance.

Harmonization Sessions

Specific objectives for the workshop include:

1) Review the harmonization efforts underway by the Task Team, there organizations and programs, and other initiatives in the community.

2) Discuss the scope of the Task and potential for collaboration with other GEO tasks.


1) A revised, detailed work plan for GEO Task DA-09-01b.

Workshop Agenda and Structure:

NOVEMBER 11, Morning Session (9:00 am -):

Joint Alliance and Harmonization Session

- Welcome:

- GEO/ADC representative (Rob Koopman or Mike Tanner)

- USGEO Presentation ( Helen Wood)

- The GEO Data Sharing Principles

- ADC-Data Way Forward (George Percivall)

- Expectations of the Tasks and the Workshop (RL, TK, KMcD)

- Overview of Data Integration and Analysis System Task

o Analysis of the Phase I Survey for DA-09-02a and plans for future surveys (Rick Lawford)

o Perspectives on Data Centre Alliances (Toshio Koike)

- Overview of the GEO Harmonization Task (Ken McDonald)

o WGISS Harmonizaton activities (Yonsook Enloe)

o INSPIRE (Max Craglia)

o Australian Geospatial Interoperability Initiatives (Chris Body)

o WMO/WIS (Omar Baddour or Eliot Christian)

- Presentation on SIF (Steve Browdy)

- Discussion

o Scope of related GEO Tasks

o Coordination/Collaboration of efforts

NOVEMBER 11, Afternoon Session:

Alliance Session

Presentation on the tools developed by ADC and GEO that can encourage convergence

Breakout groups to discuss the Implementation of Alliances

Group A: Implementation of Alliances (Possibly to include a recommendation for an alliance)

Group B: Information needed to enable identify potential alliances

Plenary Reports from the Breakout groups


Harmonization Session

Discussion of topics and activities underway (discussion leads)

GCI/CSR content review (?)

GEOSS way forward (George Percivall)

System of systems domain model (Michael Burnett)

Metadata (Ted Habermann)

Leveraging existing capabilities/initiatives (?)


Possible contributions to AIP-3 (George Percivall)

Discussion of issues

Access restrictions (Satoko Miura)

NOVEMBER 12, Morning Session:

Alliance Session

Presentations on Alliances:

Overview of Data Centres and their plans/potential to contribute to a Data Centre Alliance








Discussion: Information required to plan a Data Alliance and plan for a prototype data alliance

Harmonization Session

Development of a task plan for the next year

NOVEMBER 12, Afternoon Session:

Joint Alliance and Harmonization Session"

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