

Klímaváltozás - Válasz az EUROGI Barroso elnöknek címzett levelére

Prof. Mauro Salvemini EUROGI közgyűlést elnököl a brüsszeli Nemzeti Térképészeti Intézetben.Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2007.

Mai postánkból. Az EUROGI elnöke Prof. Mauro Salvemini írja:
"Dear Eurogi Members,
we plan to get together within two days for the GBM even if I already know that some of you may be able to attend.
Unfortunately we will not have a lot of time to discuss and to share ideas and information but this is not the problem of EUROGI : it is the problem of our civilisation which very often is running too much and discussing too little !
Let me share with you some relevant information that I should have the time to mention during our meeting but which should need much more time :
1- enclosed (pls click on the header - RFG) there is the letter just received from EC on behalf of Mr. Barroso regarding the climate change issue and the Global SDI. I assume that it is a good achievement for EUROGi and that is arising his profile. Thanks to all members who helped in completing the process.
2- at the following address you will find the report of the 9th Conference on Cartography for Americas of UN. Pay attention to how many times EUROGI is mentioned , the projects ( esdinetplus and euradin and plan4all ) in which we are involved and MOST important check the resolutions. You will find openly mentioned INSPIRE . Is it an achievement ?
3 - at the following address you will find the report of the 18th Conference on cartography for Asia and Pacific of UN. To analyse the report searching for EUROGI will give to you also ( I hope !) some satisfaction. On the side of this conference it has been started by the UN Statistic Division the process for setting in the year 2011 the World Conference on GI Management. I had the honour to be invited to the Preparatory Meeting of the Proposed United Nations Committee on Global Geographic Information Management bringing the voice not only of EUROGI but also of Europe.
As you may see many interesting things are going forward for EUROGI which , under my presidential perspective, is facing a challenging period due to the change of the secretariat and to the commitments already in place and foreseen for the near future.
Thank you for your attention and let us meet in Torino or keep in touch soon.
Mauro Salvemini
Prof. Mauro Salvemini
Presidente EUROGI - www.eurogi.org
Presidente AMFM GIS Italia - www.amfm.it
Laboratorio di Sistemi Informativi Territoriali ed Ambientali - www.labsita.org
Sapienza Università di Roma - ITALIA
tel. 0039 06 4991-8830 - 8834
mobile +39 3358081318"
Az Európai Bizottság elnökének címzett levélre érkezett válasz a címsorra kattintva hívható le.
A HUNAGI napló lehozta a kimenő levelet is.
Egyébként a főtitkár a levél tartalmáról tájékoztatta a HUNAGI elnökség tagjait és szorgalmazta a magyar delegáció vezetőjét (a KvVM minisztert) erről - HUNAGI elnöki szinten - levélben tájékoztatni. A november 16-i HUNAGI elnöki-titkári-főtitkári találkozón Barkóczi úr kérésére Mikus Dezső titkár vállalta egy levéltervezet elkészítését.
Az EUROGI vezetősége most egyeztet egy további Barroso levélről, amely az alelnök Bruce McCormack javaslatára várhatóan konkrét akciókat fog javasolni. HUNAGI főtitkára ma reggel az elnöknek és alelnöknek írt levelében megfontolásra javasolta további, a téradat infrastruktúra elismerését jelző tények megemlítését, melyek az EUROGI vagy tagszervezete (jelen esetben a HUNAGI) előrevivő részbeni közreműködésével valósutak meg:
- the United Nations already in 2006 (the latest position paper is just under compilation by UNGIWG),
- the International Year of the Planet Earth in Spring 2008 at the Paris Declaration (driven by UNESCO and the Geoscience community of the national academies)
- the Cape Town Declaration of GEO Plenary IV in November 2007
- the Beijing Declaration of the Int'l Society of Digital Earth in September 2009
partly based on the proactive role representatives of EUROGI or EUROGI's national member organisations."

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